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A Child's Letter and Five Cents

June 14, 2003 |   By a Practitioner in China


Today, I received a letter from a young Dafa practitioner. The person who brought me the letter told me that a young practitioner condemned Jiang in it. I unfolded the piece of paper, and could see the youngster's child-like handwriting. He replaced the words he did not know with Pinyin (phonetic letters). The letter reads as follows:


You did me harm and made me lose my mother. The harm you did to my family was very tragic. You forced my mother and father to divorce and you forced my mother and I to leave home."

Then, the practitioner pulled out a very old five-cent coin and told me: "This is the coin that fell down when I opened the child's letter. The child once accumulated one Yuan and gave it to me to make truth-clarification materials. I did not accept it. How can a child have much money?"

Looking at this old coin, I thought of the young Dafa practitioner, who was a naive, lively, and very attractive young boy. We lived together when we were both destitute and homeless. He was only eight years old. When he was six, his father was told by the police to divorce his mother. The young practitioner was sent with his father. From then on, he was separated from his mother. He could not go to school in the city any more, either. He was sent to his father's hometown in a mountainous area with his father, who was unable to look after him.

The boy's father took him into the city on Sundays. I met this young Dafa practitioner in the city one time by chance. I almost could not recognize him. He was unkempt, though he used to have a clean complexion and neat clothes. His clothes were a little worn out and old. When he saw me, he was surprised and smiled pleasantly but with a kind of disconsolate and sentimental look that a child should not have. He said that he really missed his mother. From the child's eyes, I could see his loneliness and pain. It was clear that he had no help and was earnestly seeking maternal love.

The child said, "Auntie, when you see my mother, please tell her to do (Dafa work) well." Looking at his pure young face, I nodded. His father pulled his hand and immediately walked away. The child looked at me and waved goodbye.

I stood there for a long time as they walked away.

Note: Five cents RMB is less than a cent (in US currency). For common people, nobody would treasure it. Five cents is essentially useless. One can imagine what a thrifty and difficult life this child is living.
