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Introducing Falun Dafa at the Body, Mind and Spirit Expo in Missoula, Montana

June 13, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On May 24 and 25, the Body, Mind and Spirit Expo was held in Missoula, Montana. We reserved a booth to promote Falun Dafa and teach the exercises. On Saturday we had a steady stream of people visiting our booth. Besides the general public, many exhibitors and speakers were curious and wanted to learn more about us.

One young woman made the comment that after looking at all the other booths, she knew the reason she came to the expo was to learn about Falun Dafa. She was very excited to find us. Another woman from a remote area of Montana had learned about us from TV and was very happy to get all the information on it. She bought the books and CD's and was going to tell all her friends. I gave her a video so she and her friends could practice the exercises together.

We had very colorful lotus flowers to give away, which everyone enjoyed. On Sunday we had an outdoor introduction to teach the exercises on the lawn. It was a beautiful day, and 20 people attended, including some young people. Everyone seemed to enjoy the movements. We had many people throughout Saturday and Sunday asking if we had a group that practiced together in Missoula. I told them that we do not but hoped to soon.

Many people were so surprised to learn that we do not charge for the practice and won't take donations. You could see in their eyes how grateful they were.