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Sweden: Dafa Practitioners Hold Press Conference to Inform the Public about the Trial of Jiang Zemin (Photos)

May 18, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net May 18, 2003) At 11am on May 15 2003, Stockholm Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in front of Sweden's Chinese Embassy .

Practitioners listed the crimes committed by Jiang Zemin, including abuse of power and embezzling national funds to persecute Falun Gong. They also let the public understand the meaning and importance of bringing Jiang to justice on the basis of morality, conscience and law.

A journalist from a Swedish Press Agency was filled with indignation after she learned about the brutal and inhuman persecution of Dafa practitioners. She said, "We should not wait while facing this kind of persecution. We should take action immediately and tell the world's people." A reporter from a Swedish Radio Station interviewed several Falun Gong practitioners, and learned more about the facts of Falun Gong. She expressed her concern about rescuing Mrs. Pirjo Svensson, a Swedish Falun Gong practitioner currently being illegally detained in Thailand. She thanked us many times for the information we gave her, and also said that she would like to translate it into Finnish to let the people of Finland know the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong.

To conclude the activities, Falun Gong practitioners handed information about the global lawsuit against Jiang to the Chinese Embassy.

Article from: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200305/12465.html