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The Amazing Power of Righteous Thoughts Seen in the Detention Center

May 18, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net May 9) In a district detention center in Chengdu City, more than a dozen Falun Gong practitioners went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention and mistreatment. A policeman told them, "Last time we arrested an old woman for posting flyers. She refused to tell us her name and address, and she even read a book in jail, so we confiscated it. Then she refused to eat. When we asked her why she was refusing to eat, she replied, 'I will start eating under certain circumstances. It will surely make things easier if you return the book to me.' My boss had no alternative but to eventually give the book back to her. Later something strange happened. One moment, the old woman, with that book in hand, was among us. The next thing you know, she was gone! We still have no clue as to who she was or where she was from. My boss forbade us from telling others about it, especially our superiors."

Upon hearing the story, the practitioners in the jail felt encouraged and strengthened their righteous thoughts even further. The hunger strike reached a critical point when the police tried to force-feed them. The practitioners realized they should help each another and turn back the evil together. Some of them called out, "Falun Dafa is good," while others kept sending forth the righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors in other dimensions and asked for Teacher to strengthen them. As a result, the police could not take any of the practitioners out to be force-fed. In the end, the authorities had to release the practitioners one after another.