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The Anshan City Public Security Bureau in Liaoning Province Persecuted Dafa Disciple Wen Liying Until She Became Critically Ill

May 11, 2003 |  


In April 2003, the Jiubao Police Station illegally arrested Ms. Wen Liying, a Dafa disciple, from the Jiubao Township of Anshan City in Liaoning Province, and sent her to the Third Detention Center in Anshan City. After Ms. Wen was persecuted for 17 days, she became critically ill. Because the detention center was afraid she might die there, they informed the Jiubao Police Station, who then took her back home. Because Ms. Wen's family was not home, the police threw Wen Liying in the hallway outside her home and left without informing her family; they did not even inform her relatives, friends, or neighbors. Nor did they show consideration for Wen Liying's life.

Later, when a neighbor found that Wen Liying was on her last breath, they sent her to the Jiubao Hospital, where the doctors administered emergency treatment to Wen Liying for two days and one night. When Wen Liying still could not take food, however, the Jiubao Police Station forced her to leave the hospital and told her that if she wanted to be hospitalized, she would have to move to a police hospital. Ms. Wen was forced to leave the hospital and go home.

Currently, Wen Liying is unconscious and cannot eat food.

Written by April 30, 2003