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Bring Jiang to Justice, End These Atrocities Against Humanity

May 01, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in the U.S.

April 28, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) May 8 is approaching. On April 14, the plaintiff's attorney, Terri Marsh, delivered documents citing evidence of crimes by defendant Jiang Zemin and the "610 Office" and other evidence required by the legal procedure. Afterwards, the U.S. Justice Department will represent the U.S. government, which has received diplomatic pressure from Jiang, and deliver documents that support the government's viewpoint to the court with a deadline of May 8, as set by the judge. In the following four to six weeks after this date, the judge will decide whether the case will enter the stage for the defendants to be tried, based on the documents provided by the plaintiff's attorney and the U.S. government officials. Therefore, during this period, especially every day before May 8, and every day after May 8 as the judge makes the decision, is extremely critical with respect to whether Dafa practitioners will face the defendants in court.

Jiang single-handedly planned, launched and directed this persecution against Falun Gong practitioners, who persist in their belief in the universal characteristics of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." It is a most evil, irrational and brutal large-scale persecution against human beings. Jiang's regime uses all the methods to torture and persecute people that were developed through decades of Party history; it uses the giant government machinery under the control of a totalitarian power; it exhausts the nation's manpower and resources in a genocidal persecution of tens of millions of kind Falun Gong practitioners. This unprecedented persecution not only affects Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China, it also poisons the minds of countless Chinese people with lies and hatred. In addition, it exports the lies to other countries around the world using villainous diplomatic means through Chinese consulates, representative groups and large numbers of agents, so it has also deceived countless people on this major issue that relates to everyone's future.

Opposing this persecution, and helping people around the world to learn the truth and stand up to resist and end this evil persecution--this is the responsibility of Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioners. As we clarify the truth to the many precious Chinese people, as we uphold justice and suppress the evil through investigation of the persecution, we can also advance lawsuits against Jiang on a world-scale to bring him to trial. We should clarify the truth in depth to the whole world, using justice in the human world to try Jiang and end this persecution against humanity.

In today's international community, crimes committed in a region or a country that are against humanity will meet the opposition of the world's people. After WWII, Nazi war criminals were tried at Nuremberg, and many Nazis who participated in the persecution of Jews were pursued and tried in the following decades. After genocide took place in Rwanda, the United Nations founded a court to try the persons responsible. Jiang's good friend, the former leader of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, is currently being tried in that same court. In China, the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners who refuse to give up Truth-Compassion-Tolerance is taking place, and the whole world is responsible for trying Jiang, the head criminal.

The significance of this kind of trial for a person who is responsible for war, massacre and large-scale persecution is not limited to the punishment of one or two head criminals, because their punishment is far too little to compensate for the pain and injustice suffered by the huge number of victims. The significance of this kind of trial is mainly to restore historical truth and expose the evil, to extend justice to the victims and restore their reputations. It's also to let our progeny learn a lesson from history so they will not make the same mistake. The purpose of trying Jiang is exactly as stated above: we want to let the world's people see the true nature of this evil persecution. The process of Fa-rectification is extremely important, because during this time we can clarify the truth, cultivate ourselves, build mighty virtue and save countless people.

The United Nations has an international court, and it recently founded the International Criminal Court; moreover, the Security Council can establish special courts to deal with significant individual cases. In addition to the United Nations, many countries have laws that allow people to sue violators of human rights. In the past few decades, the international community has agreed on a series of pacts to prevent and punish violations of human rights, including the International Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, etc. These historical arrangements have set the stage for Dafa practitioners, and they also provide an opportunity and a way for the world's people to oppose this persecution.

There are many Dafa practitioners in dozens of countries around the world. Many have personally experienced persecution, which provides a great opportunity for us to sue Jiang throughout the world. During Dafa practitioners' truth clarification, more and more people have learned about the true nature of the persecution, and more and more people are willing to support Dafa practitioners and oppose the evil. This has built a foundation for our worldwide activity of "bringing Jiang to justice." In the U.S. and other countries, a series of lawsuits have begun, which will bring the persecutors of Falun Gong to court. The lawsuit directly against Jiang filed in the district court in Chicago is one of the first activities of its kind. It has proven that it's possible to bring the head criminal responsible for persecuting Falun Gong to court.

The purpose of this activity is to bring Jiang to courts around the world, including the UN Court. Our emphasis is on deeply clarifying the truth about this persecution to the world, especially to governments, legal agencies, legal professionals, the media and the public. We must awaken the people's righteous thoughts, form a field of justice around the world and establish an earth covering net against Jiang. This could be the breakthrough point in our truth clarification activity abroad, and it is also a point through which we can inspire all of the governments and people around the world to oppose this persecution.