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Sweden: Teachers and Students Learn Falun Dafa Together

April 21, 2003 |   By a Swedish Dafa practitioner


I'm a Dafa practitioner from Sweden and now in my third year of college. Every year, my college holds an "Open Day," where both students and teachers get the opportunity to try out new and different types of activities.

I have been practising Falun Dafa for about four years and in this time I have experienced a lot of positive changes in myself. Therefore, I wanted to use this "Open Day" to help the teachers and students at my college learn more about Falun Dafa, allowing them also to get a chance to feel the benefits.

During the "Open Day," I held two introductory exercise-teaching classes: one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. As well as teaching the exercises I explained that Falun Dafa improves the mind as well as the body, and this improvement is based on improving one's moral standards in everyday life by assimilating to the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."

On the day after teaching the exercises, I met one of the students who had been in the "Open Day" exercise-teaching session. He told me that he had really appreciated learning the exercises, as they were very comfortable and relaxing. This strengthened my belief that Falun Dafa is very beneficial to people and the society as a whole.

Translated from Swedish at http://se.clearharmony.net/articles/200304/5890.html

Article from: www.clearharmony.net/articles/189912/11829.html