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A Practitioner Overcomes Persecution with Righteous Thoughts and Actions

April 2, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Sichuan Province, China

March 9, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a 40-year old female Dafa practitioner. In 1999, I was sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp for going to Beijing to appeal. Later my term was extended for 7 more months because I refused to be "reformed." I was released in August 2001.

In October 2001, I went with three fellow practitioners to the square in front of the provincial office building to raise banners, but I was arrested. In jail I refused to obey the rules of "no cross-legged sitting, no practicing, must study the criminal laws every day with other detainees," etc. Because of this, the jail guards tortured me relentlessly. They shackled and handcuffed me, dragged me outside, kicked me down to the ground, then stepped on my head with their shoes. They punched and kicked me until my face was bruised and swollen and I had injuries almost everywhere on my body. In spite of this, I still kept on reciting Dafa articles and protecting Dafa. Three other fellow Dafa practitioners in the same cell joined me. We removed the handcuffs every day, and were beaten up every day. They replaced the chain handcuffs with a plate handcuff and tightened the handcuffs until they cut into our flesh. Then they added weights to the chains, and finally cuffed our hands and feet together. After more than 30 days of such torture, we finally won back our rights to study and practice Falun Gong in the jail.

One day when I was reciting Teacher's article, "Path," I enlightened to a point. Teacher said:

"Dafa disciples are now right in the midst of the Fa-rectification period, and the old forces' performance has formed the most fundamental and most severe test of Dafa disciples. Whether the test can be passed is an actualization of Dafa and of whether every Dafa disciple can be responsible to himself. And whether a person can, while breaking and eliminating the evil, step forward to validate Dafa becomes a testament about [letting go of] life and death, becomes confirmation of whether a Fa-rectification disciple can achieve Consummation, and also becomes what differentiates a God from a human. For a Dafa disciple, safeguarding and upholding the Fa is only natural. So at this moment in history, when we truly have a situation in which evil persecutes Dafa, a Dafa disciple will certainly step forward to validate the Fa in response to the persecution."

Before, I had realized I should come out from my home to protect Dafa and to eliminate the evils. Now that I was jailed, shouldn't I go out of the jail to protect Dafa? We had been sending forth righteous thoughts to negate the arrangements made by the old forces, but I realized that by staying in the jail, weren't we following the old forces arrangements? Having enlightened to his point of Dafa I started a hunger strike, and they forcibly fed me. After being on the hunger strike for over twenty days, they sent me to a forced labor camp for a one-year term. Meanwhile, I stayed on the hunger strike. Since they could not feed me with a soft tube, because I would bite on it, they used a thick tube instead and it damaged both my nose and stomach. I was bleeding and vomiting blood, but I still refused to cooperate with their forced feeding. Then they handcuffed me and gave me forced injections, which caused my whole body to swell and my face to become twisted. I asked Teacher for help to stop the persecution. Thirteen days later, I went home safely.

In September 2002, I was arrested again when I was delivering Dafa truth clarification video CDs. As soon as I entered the detention center I started a hunger strike and asked Teacher to empower me. I also sent forth powerful righteous thoughts to eliminate the evils. When they were ready to force feed me, a doctor came to check my condition. My heart rate was 136 beats per minute. The doctor said I had a serious heart problem, so they did not dare to forcibly feed me.

Several days later, they sent me to a hospital and locked me with handcuffs and chains to a bed frame with one hand stretched up for forced injections. I kept on reciting Dafa and sending forth righteous thoughts. I knew my duty, as a Fa-rectification Dafa practitioner, was to aid our Teacher to save sentient beings. I should overcome the difficulties and leave this place. Whenever my desire for food came or I felt uncomfortable, I eliminated it and kept a righteous state. My hunger strike lasted for one month. They illegally sent me to a forced labor camp for a two-year term.

In the forced labor camp, I continued the hunger strike. In the camp hospital, the guard and the group head took shifts to watch me. Since that was at the National Day period, most of them kept on cursing me. They said: "Last time you were released, now you are on a hunger strike. These two years, you should enjoy it slowly." I kept a peaceful mind, recited Dafa and sent forth righteous thoughts. I eliminated all human thoughts. My heart-beat became irregular; sometimes at 100 beats/minute, and sometimes only 40. They were sacred and sent me to the emergency room, and asked each shift to check if I was still alive. In the evening of the one-month anniversary of my being sent to the camp, they decided to release me and gave me a written notice.

They sent me to the city government. The "610 office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches] did not accept that I had been released after only one month of a two year sentence (even though the provincial level had approved). The head of the labor camp argued with the head of the "610 office" for a while then dropped me on a sofa in the "610 office" and left. The "610 office" sent me to a hospital again. I knew I had not totally eliminated the evil persecution, so I increased my Dafa reciting and sending forth righteous thoughts. I could send forth righteous thoughts as many as twenty times a day at the top of each hour.

So, over 50 police officers plus 10 to 20 government officers took shifts to watch me in the hospital. Each shift had four people. Two in each group had a copy of a secret document. They did not allow the message to be leaked, and did not allow my family or relatives to come visit me. (Since my story had been reported on the Minghui website, overseas fellow Dafa practitioners had called them.) I knew this was not a persecution from ordinary people to us. The false appearance had no effect on me, but why had the persecution lasted so long?

In "Expounding on the Fa (July 5, 1997)" Teacher said: "If it continues endlessly and if there do not exist other problems in your xinxing or conduct, it must be that the evil demons are capitalizing on the weak spots caused by your lack of control." By looking inward, I found my problems. I thought that as the 16th Communist Party Congress was coming to an end that they might free me. This was a human mentality. In fact, I did not oppose the forced injection this time and that was a form of cooperation. Having found the loopholes, I quickly corrected them.

I was bound up and forcibly injected (they had said that I was going to be released, so no instruments of torture should have been allowed). Since my Xinxing had been upgraded, my condition was very good. My mouth felt sweet and I had no pain even though I was bound up for over ten hours a day. My body felt like it was floating. I had not had any food or drink for over two months and my flesh had withered, but I started defecating once every one, two or three days. They forcibly drew my blood for a check and found that the white blood cell level was only 1000 and was continuing to decrease. Some times, they drew my blood twice a day. Later a doctor said I had cancer.

Teacher has said: "When you conduct yourselves righteously Master can do anything for you." (Touring North America to Teach the Fa, March 2002) Under the compassionate empowerment of Teacher, I finally negated the evil persecutions and went back home openly. That was the 89th day after I started the hunger strike.

The tenth day after I went home, my home was searched because a homeless Dafa practitioner who had stayed there had been followed when doing Dafa related work. I was illegally abducted again. Police officers taped my mouth by winding adhesive tape around my head, covered my head with a dark plastic bag, and sent me into a hotel. They took off my coat and my sweater, handcuffed me to a bench, poured cold water on me, and prohibited me from closing my eyes. If I closed my eyes, they would drip water onto my head by squeezing a wet towel then rub me with the towel. They slapped my face back and forth, hurt my forehead with a pen, and bruised my leg by punching it. The police tried to force me to tell them where I got the Dafa truth Video CDs that were in my home and where the VCDs would go. After having tortured me for five days, they illegally detained me. When the "610 office" and the local police officers from my registered living place came to pick me up, they were told that I was on a hunger strike, so they did not dare to bring me back with them. Instead, they set me free.

Master Li said: "...because they know that other than killing you any type of persecution will be useless. The evil will have no choice but to leave you alone." (Touring North America to Teach the Fa, March 2002)

We should remember what Master Li said: "If a cultivator can let go of the thought of life and death under any circumstance, evil is sure to be afraid of him. If every student is able to do this, evil will of itself no longer exist." ("Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)" from Essentials for Further Advancement)

Fellow practitioners, please kindly point out any errors in this article, thank you.