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Southern California: Practitioners Invited to World Taiji Qigong Day (Photos)

April 18, 2003 |   By a Los Angeles practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) On April 12, 2003, practitioners were invited to the World Taiji Qigong Day at Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, a yearly festival organized by Orange County. This is the second year in a row that Falun Gong has participated in this event. Last year, since it was the first time for Falun Gong to attend the festival, a few Chinese groups were defensive toward us at the beginning. Later when they saw the peaceful practitioners and how Falun Gong was welcomed by the mainstream society, they soon changed their attitude.

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Practicing the exercises beside the tables Teaching the exercises Young Japanese practitioner Alisa and her grandfather

Soon after we started to practice the exercises, the strong energy field attracted many Qigong practitioners. Many Westerners and Chinese came to our table to request information and some of them wanted to learn the exercises. When we were teaching the exercises, the people learning exercises grew from one to four, then four to ten. Later, the people surrounded the teaching practitioners for three layers. After the exercise teaching, we distributed flyers to them and told them to attend the group practice near their homes. When we saw the people's enthusiasm to learn about Falun Dafa, we were deeply moved and immediately remembered our duty to save sentient beings.