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In a Few Words: Our Attitudes about Cell Phones

April 18, 2003 |   By A Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, the evil forces in China have stepped up their efforts to find and destroy Dafa material production sites. Since February, several sites have been destroyed. Looking from the human level, it was mainly caused by cell phone surveillance. Therefore, the practitioners in China started to be careful with their contact methods and cell phone communications. But is this the most effective means to solve this problem? Have we thought about why the recent persecutions were aided by cell phone surveillance? Actually, many things at the human level have two sides. We should apply ordinary people's things wisely to serve the purpose of clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings.

Recently, several fellow practitioners discussed this issue and came up with the following reasons:

1. The Fa-rectification process is accelerating and the evil is desperately struggling. It disrupts and destructs by all means.

2. Some practitioners are so attached to cell phones that the evil can take advantage of their loopholes. As far as we know, practitioners in some areas not only just regard the cell phone as a tool for communication, but started to compare the price and appearance of the phone. Some practitioners' handsets are more than 1000 Yuan, some even close to 2000 Yuan. When a fellow practitioner pointed out this problem, a practitioner did not seek inside but cover up his attachment and replied, "The 1000-Yuan handset has good quality. I am using it for Dafa not for myself." I know that 400 Yuan can buy a new old model handset with good quality. However, that practitioner was not willing to use that kind since "it is too big, it doesn't look good, and it tends to draw attention." Using these kinds of excuses, he did not consider the suggestion. Think about it, if we care about the good looks of a handset, where do we different from Sakyamuni's disciples who were comparing their rice bowls? If we do not get rid of this attachment, isn't this something that can be taken advantage by the evil? "As I've said, everything that happens today in the ordinary society is the result of Dafa disciples' thoughts." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.") Having seen that we have this kind of attachment, the old forces decided, "OK, I will make your handsets have problems so that you can get rid of your attachments." We are thus unintentionally following the path arranged by the old forces. During the Fa-rectification period, we should pay more attention to the cultivation and upgrading of our xinxing and getting rid of all of our attachments so that the old force can not use them to hinder us in helping Fa-rectification work.

There is another situation where some practitioners say, "The cell phone is so useful to us. How can we do anything without it?" Unintentionally, they become dependant on the cell phone. I think that this is also a loophole where the old forces could take advantage. A Dafa practitioner with a righteous mind and actions should learn to look at issues comprehensively. Many things at the human level have two sides, the advantage and the disadvantage. We should consider using, how to use, or not using a thing based on whether it can be used wisely to serve the purpose of clarifying the truth and saving the people. How can we have the mentality of not being able to do anything without a cell phone? The cell phone is only one of the tools that we use on the path of Fa-rectification. We can use it but we do not have to use it. The key is our hearts. Any attachment to anything can become an obstacle on our path. Therefore, we must strictly measure ourselves against the Fa in all aspects.