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Informer Dies from Car Accident After Reporting Dafa Practitioner

April 16, 2003 |  


(Clearwisdom.net) Editor Note: These incidents could have been avoided. These people may not have started out as bad people, but under the intense pressure applied by the Jiang regime, they were pushed into persecuting Dafa disciples. In the process of destroying the lives of kind, law-abiding citizens, they have sealed their own fates and inevitably faced karmic retribution as punishment and even brought misfortune to their loved ones. If it weren't for Jiang's wicked orders, perhaps their fates would have been different.

Informer Dies from Car Accident After Reporting Dafa Practitioner

A female worker at an office of Zhoukou City Telecommunication Bureau in Henan Province saw that the national leader Jiang's picture in a newspaper was crossed out with a pencil. She told her boss about a colleague who is a Dafa practitioner, alleging that this person had done it. As a result, this practitioner lost his job and was reassigned as a janitor. In July 2002, the female informer and her husband were on a trip back to their hometown. They had a head-on collision with a larger vehicle soon after they exited the city and this woman was thrown out of the car. Their car driven by her husband rolled over her head, killing her instantly.

Political Security Section Ex-Chief at Zhoukou City Police Station in Henan Province Receives Karmic Retribution

Political Security Section Ex-Chief at Zhoukou City Police Department in Henan Province, Wang Yide, spared no effort in executing Jiang regime's orders and treated Dafa practitioners with unrelenting malice. At the end of May 2001, Wang had a stroke and suffered from hemiplegia. He could, however, walk very wobbly. Wang gave no thought to repentance for his wrongful deeds, and whenever he saw Dafa practitioners together he would contact the police. Right now his condition has worsened, and he cannot come out of his home anymore.

One Case of a Wicked Policeman Receiving Karmic Retribution

In July 2002, one policeman from the Changchun City Zhengyang Police Station took a female Dafa practitioner to a secret hearing. He had personally participated in torturing this practitioner. After that, the policeman took her back to the police station. The next day this policeman said to the female practitioner, "It's all your fault! Look, I have blisters all over my body. It itches and oozes out yellow liquid stuff." This practitioner replied, "You never think that this could be your karmic retribution?" The policeman and the other security guards were speechless.