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Karmic Retribution Leads a Policeman to Reverse His Course of Wrongdoing

April 15, 2003 |  



Cao Hongwei, a policeman from Liangdao Street Police Station in Wuhan, was one of the people responsible for persecuting Falun Gong practitioner Peng Min. Since he began persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Cao's family has had one trouble after another. Cao was admitted to a hospital a few times. Finally he realized his wrongdoing, and stopped persecuting Falun Gong. He was transferred to a different position.

Hao Yuliang, Political Legal Vice Secretary of the town of Dongmaquan, Wuqing Area, Tianjin City, was hostile to Dafa practitioners and persecuted many of them. Since July 20, 1999, he had led the effort to force practitioners to attend brainwashing sessions in town, and stormed practitioners' homes. He charged each practitioner three thousand Yuan as a registration fee for attending the brainwashing sessions, and hired thugs in the local areas to violently beat practitioners. First he suffered from paralysis, and then he was diagnosed with cancer. He died at the age of fifty-three.

Li Jinshui, Head of the 610 Office in Changge City, Henan Province, brutally persecuted Dafa and Dafa practitioners since the persecution began on July 20, 1999. He is now suffering complications from a stroke, in critical condition receiving emergency medical treatment in a hospital.