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Summary of Other Articles and News - 04/09/2003

April 13, 2003 |  


Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

Completely negating all arrangements by the old forces:

I obtained the Fa in March 1999. In early September 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal. From then on I stepped onto the path of Fa-rectification cultivation. I was arrested several times, but the lengthy detention did not intimidate me. I continuously distributed truth clarification materials and persistently studied the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts. I kept righteous thoughts and righteous faith in mind at all times.

Several days ago I went to a residential compound to distribute flyers, but the head of the community held me and wouldn't let me go. Police officers came and took me to the police station for interrogation. I didn't cooperate with the evil. The next day, they tried to send me to a detention center, but I kept sending righteous thoughts. After a while someone came and said, "You can go now. Our police department chief was your guarantor! You must have high-level connections." I walked out of the police station in an open and dignified manner. Later I learned that a long time ago the chief used to be my neighbor. I know Master is prompting him so he can protect a Dafa practitioner and build a bright future for himself. I hope all police officers and security workers can quickly wake up and treat Dafa and Dafa disciples with kindness. Don't follow Jiang on the path to hell.

Keeping righteous thoughts at all times; walking out of the police station:

In March 2003, I distributed truth clarification flyers as I rode my bike eastbound and I was arrested by police. In the evening I thought about how to eliminate the old force's arrangements with the righteous thoughts and righteous actions of a future god.

The last time I was arrested I was persecuted for more than seven months. In the end, I broke out of the detention center after more than two months of hunger strike when I was bedridden and on the verge of death. This time, I absolutely cannot walk the path arranged by the old forces. I will simply walk the path arranged by Master.

I constantly recited the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts. At noon on the next day, an officer took me to a conference room and asked me to sign the interrogation record. I refused and began to clarify the truth. The police officer walked out and the door remained open. I immediately sent righteous thoughts to "fix" all people and asked Master to help me. I silently recited the Fa-rectification verse. Within 24 hours I walked out of the police station with dignity.

Truths About Persecution

Dafa practitioner Li Ganglin and his wife Liu Huanqing in Handan City, Hebei Province were several times illegally detained. Liu Huanqing was extremely weak due to long-term detention. She passed away within one month after her release. Their eldest son, also a Dafa practitioner, was illegally sentenced to one-and-half year of forced labor. His sentence was illegally extended after the first one had expired. In mid September 2002, Li Ganglin was forcibly kidnapped twice and was sent to a detention center. Both times the detention center rejected Li because his blood pressure was too high. Before October 1, 2002, the vicious police kidnapped Li for the third time and directly sent him to a labor camp, where he is currently being detained.

In November 2002, the "610 Office"* in Yueyang City, Hunan Province arrested four practitioners and sent them to a brainwashing class, where the thugs forced them to write guarantee statements. They forcibly put identification signs that read "x cult" on the practitioners and forced the practitioners to dance. If they refused to obey, the thugs would kick them and drag them out in the snow, to freeze them. They cut off the salary of retired practitioner(s) and they withheld two months worth of salary for working practitioners as "tuition" for the brainwashing class.

On May 7, 2001, Dafa practitioners Jiang Qian and two other practitioners in Chengdu City were arrested when posting flyers and banners that read, "Falun Dafa is good." They were sent to a detention center where they were brutally tortured. On May 21, police paraded the criminals along with the practitioners in the street. They were forced to do seven months of labor in a detention center. On December 10, 2001, they were illegally sentenced to four years in prison. Right now, Jiang Qian is detained in the Yaan Prison where he is being brutally tortured and is subjected to forced brainwashing.

The lawless thugs from Gangtun Town, Huludao City, Liaoning Province brutally tortured Dafa practitioners including Cao Yanzhuo. In the winter they forced the practitioners to stand barefooted in the snow, and in the summer, they put the practitioners outside under the scorching sun. They tortured the practitioners brutally by beating them with police batons and forced them to do slave labor. Cao Yanzhuo passed out several times from the torture. In July 2002, Cao Yanzhuo was illegally sentenced to forced labor after illegal detention. She is currently detained in the Masanjia Labor Camp.

Recently, thugs Liao Jiansheng and Lin Dongchu sent Dafa practitioner Jiang Yi, a physician working at No. 2 Hospital, to a mental institution, only because they suspected Jiang of distributing truth clarification materials. Liao Jiansheng is a security officer at No. 2 Hospital of Yueyang City, Hunan Province and Lin Dongchu is the husband of Jiang Yi, a medical doctor working at No. 2 Hospital.

News From China

My mother was very ill and became unconscious, and I spoke near her ear, "Quick, say Master is good and Dafa is good. Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa." Mother woke up and said, "I just flew up. Someone kept blocking me and I heard someone telling me, say Master and Dafa is good. So I shouted these words. Immediately no one blocked me and I returned here. That was close! I just went to hell and they knew I gave birth to you, and I had read Dafa books and watched Dafa videotapes. I said Falun Dafa is good and they didn't dare to keep me. Dafa and Master saved me." Several days later, mother left the hospital. She was diagnosed with cerebral thrombus when she entered the hospital and she is 78 years old. She had no sequela, and she can do all kinds of work.

Open Forum

About conscience: Today, when Falun Gong is suffering brutal persecution by Jiang political villain group, tens of thousands of Dafa practitioners have stepped forward. Although facing the slander and lies spread around the world which were created by the Chinese government propaganda machinery, although they are facing suspensions, losing jobs, suffering detention, prison terms, torture and murder, the practitioners are calling for justice and telling the truth. They are exposing the evil and calling for people to admit to their conscience. Dafa practitioners are not afraid of violence perpetrated against them and they are perseverant in their righteous belief. Their peaceful protest and actions of justice is the greatest display of "conscience," a quality everyone must have. Such conscience is unprecedented in history and it is shining like gold!

*"610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.