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Norway: National Magazine Publishes Article About Falun Gong

April 12, 2003 |  

Oslo 09.04.2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, one of the most prominent weekly magazines in Norway, "Norsk Ukeblad", published a two-page article about Falun Gong.

Under the heading "It Works For Me", a Falun Gong practitioner was interviewed by the magazine. She said that after starting to practice Falun Gong, she no longer suffers from anxiety and has found more meaning in life. By doing the four standing exercises, the meditation and studying the teachings of Teacher Li Hongzhi, she has found a new understanding of what life is all about. Living according to the values of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" and thinking of others before herself have improved both her relationship with other people and how she feels about herself.

The article included a picture of a practitioner sitting in a meditation position and three sections of facts about Falun Gong. One section gave an overview of what Falun Gong is. A second included facts about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. It also stated that Falun Gong is non-political, non-religious and non-commercial, and all activities are totally free of charge. In the third section there was information about where to learn Falun Gong and how to get exercise videos, music and books.

Article from: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200304/11618.html