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Firmly Believing in Dafa, Breaking Free of the Demon's Den (Part 2)

March 13, 2003 |   Written by a Dafa Disciple in Changchun City, Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Editors' note: The Fa-rectification experience of this practitioner has been published to validate Dafa and encourage all other practitioners. It is also a legend left for our descendents. We hope more and more practitioners in Mainland China will record their own Fa-rectification experience or those of fellow practitioners, and have them published on Minghui and Clearwisdom.

On the second day, they carried me into another room and sat me in an iron chair. They often checked my pulse, asked someone to forcibly inject me and placed Styrofoam around the chair. They wrapped a large coat around my body and constantly observed my condition. At this time a voice said, "None of us wants to torture him anymore." Another voice said, "When he is better, we'll find two female practitioners to talk to him."

I don't know when this happened but I always closed my eyes, I suddenly saw my pupils were dilating. At this time, someone next to me shouted loudly, "Ay, ay!" and he shook me. I saw my two pupils close up; it seemed like I just dozed off and I suddenly woke up.

Later, they indeed found two women who sounded like they were around 30 years of age. They talked to me and I told them Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa. From time to time, they would ask me personal questions such as whether I was married and how old I am. I calmly told them, "I won't say anything about myself." They turned vicious when they saw their tactics had failed. I gave them a talking-to with the benevolence of Dafa, and they went silent. Later, they took pictures of me twice and claimed they would know who I was after checking the pictures. When they took my picture, I turned my face away and sent forth righteous thoughts so they couldn't do it. Later I learned that they asked other detained practitioners to line up to look at my picture and see if they recognized me. Many practitioners were beaten, verbally abused and persecuted because of refusing to identify me.

About three days later they took me to a division in a Changchun City Police Department. One police officer recognized me and said, "This is big. He's the head of group five." Someone else said to me, "those 'below' you were sentenced to more than ten years in jail." I told them we don't have this concept of hierarchy. We all do things according to our understanding of Dafa.

By this time my body had somewhat recuperated. I thought they recognized me anyway, so I opened my eyes. An officer from the Kuancheng Police Department told the people at Division 1 in the Changchun City Police Department, "his hipbone is deformed from torture." That was the only thing I heard.

Although I was tortured to such a state, the vicious police at Division One from the Changchun City Police Department blindfolded me and sent me to a hotel at Jingyuetan Mountain. A man around 50 years of age who didn't seem to be in charge of anything said to me in private, "You'll be lucky if you survive this night." During the first two days they forced me to sit on iron chair; on the third day they began brutal torture again. In the evening, a vicious, chubby police officer named Zhang, around 30 years of age, approximately 1.73m in height, wearing glasses, inhumanly tortured me in the following ways:

He shocked me with two electric batons at once and mainly targeting my genital area. Another vicious police officer was lying in bed and ignored this atrocity. The perpetrator re-charged the batons when the electricity ran out. I saw three electric batons being re-charged at the same time. One of the batons released electricity all around it.

Police Zhang would shock me if I moved slightly or if I nodded off. He wouldn't let me spit out the phlegm in my throat and forced me to sing the National Anthem, recite poems and slogans. I said, "Goodness will be rewarded and evildoing will be punished." He heard it and thought it an excuse to hit me, so he shocked me with the batons again. He would hit me if I made a slight mistake during singing. I can't remember how many times he hit me with the batons that night. Each time he would hold two batons in each hand and hit me with two at the same time. He shocked my genital area from above and below the iron chair. When I lowered my head in pain, he kicked my head.

I must have passed out because when I regained consciousness, I noticed the iron chair I was sitting on was obviously smaller than the one I sat on earlier, as I could not move in it like before. I had no idea when and how they changed it. I also noticed that pieces of flesh seemed to have just been scraped off from the shinbones on my legs, leaving parts of red flesh exposed. I felt water on my head and it began to bleed. There were also bruises on my face and around my mouth. I heard them say they would send me to a detention center a day later.

On the same day, five or six people from Changchun City's Prosecuting Office came to the labor camp. They asked me questions, took pictures and videotaped me; they also made a detailed record. The vicious police officer Zhang stood near and watched everything.

Is the provincial labor camp hospital a place to save people?

Ten minutes after the people from Changchun City's Prosecuting Office left, the vicious police from the Division One hurried me into the prison management central hospital for Jilin Province, the Tiebei Labor Camp Hospital. I saw the date on the entry log was March 15.

The prison doctor and guard thought I was wearing thick cotton socks because I never wore shoes, but when they looked closely, they saw my feet were badly swollen and had turned black. The prison doctor pinched my feet but I had no reaction. He said my feet were probably ruined. The guard who was going to put my feet in shackles made an exception and didn't make me wear them.

This labor camp hospital is very evil. Many Dafa practitioners were brought here for so called treatment after being persecuted. They include Mao Zengshun, male, around 40 years of age; coach Gao, male, around 50 years of age, former renowned national and Hong Kong figure skating coach; Yang Guang, male, around 50 years of age, former cadre at the provincial government in charge of many joint venture enterprises; Liu Shuang, male, around 50 years of age, teacher, father of Liu Zhe; Liu Zhe, female, around 30 years of age, well-known garment dealer in Changchun City; Liang Zhenxing, male, around 30 years of age, former real estate manager; Liu Changjun, male, around 30 years of age, former government cadre; Jiang Lide, male, around 30 years of age; Yu Lixin, female, around 30 years of age, former official for the Workers' Union in Jilin Province; Wang Kefei, female, around 30 years of age, former supervisor at the Changchun City Bank.

The so-called treatment they apply is in fact disguised persecution. The second time Wang Kefei was sent here, she was tortured to death in December 2001. Yu Lixin from Jilin Province was also tortured to death, in May 2002, his second time here. Practitioner Mao Zengshun could not walk for half a year after he was brutally tortured by the vicious police at Division One in the Changchun City Police Department. Practitioner Liu Changjun didn't hold a hunger strike. He had a gun wound on his leg and burn wounds on his hand(s) that had not healed. Still he was tied on a bed with shackles on his feet and his hands were cuffed. The cuffs were taken off only when there was an inspection or an interview. He was not allowed to go to the toilet by himself. Usually, the hospital would send Dafa practitioners to different wards and lock them up with criminals. Only when people come to inspect and visit do they put the practitioners in good wards to create the illusion of good treatment for Dafa practitioners.

Here, Dafa practitioners were forcibly injected with drugs and many practitioners were force-fed. Some were shackled on a bed by their four limbs unable to move, and nobody cared when they needed to go to the toilet. Some had urine catheters forcibly inserted and some unmarried female practitioners were also tortured and humiliated in this way. They subjected the practitioners to this mistreatment, even when they could control their bladder and bowels. Some people died overnight from this "emergency treatment." I saw with my own eyes three non-practitioners in my ward "rescued to death" within one month. In Detention Center No. 1 I also saw a prisoner being taken out for "emergency treatment" only when he was on the verge of death. In fact, he died before he was sent to the hospital. People say at the provincial labor camp hospital, the survival rate is fifty percent.

Later, I went through two hunger strikes and was sent to the labor camp hospital three times to "treat my illness." Every time I went, the police department and the detention center would pay 5,000 Yuan cash pledge. During the time I was illegally detained, I used all opportunities to expose the evil brutalities of the accomplices of Jiang's group of political scoundrels to spread the Fa and save people. I didn't cooperate with any of the evil's demands. I followed Master's words in all things and understood the Fa from the perspective of the Fa. During these seven months I was in bed for almost six months. For more than four months I could not take care of my daily necessities. But no matter where I was, I would share with fellow practitioners what we knew and our understanding of the Fa. Some practitioners disagreed with a hunger strike, and some were content with doing the exercises and sending forth righteous thoughts. Others waited for the coming Fa-rectification of the human world. I said to them, "We cannot wait for the arrival of Fa-rectification of the human world. Spring will arrive only when we bravely welcome it! While we are illegally detained, the most important thing is not to cooperate with the evil!"

Because I am a Dafa practitioner, what I do is the best and most righteous. I absolutely should not be detained and I should get out. Even under this evil persecution, nothing can change that!

(To be continued)

Please see http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2003/3/6/32938.html for part 1 of the story.