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UK: Dafa Practitioners Invited to Give Many Performances During the Chinese Spring Festival (Photos)

February 09, 2003 |   By Dafa practitioners in the UK

(Clearwisdom.net) UK Dafa practitioners were invited on multiple occasions to give performances at Chinese New Year celebration parties held by different communities and schools. Their performances received high acclaim from sponsors, who wanted to have more opportunities to cooperate with Dafa practitioners in future.

Dafa practitioners perform Fan Dance at a school's New Year Party in Oxford Dafa practitioners have their photo taken with Mayor of Oxford and VIP guests from the city government Dafa practitioners at a TV studio

On January 31, 2002, at the invitation of a tutor of a school's Chinese students in Oxford, Dafa practitioners participated in their Chinese Spring Festival Evening performances. The tutor especially invited us because he had seen and very much enjoyed a practitioner's lute recital. We showed the Chinese students a traditional Chinese Fan Dance to extend our good wishes to these precious Chinese people. After the celebration, the practitioners gave truth-clarifying VCDs to the students, who gladly accepted them. The tutor also introduced the practitioners to his VIP guests from Oxford city government as well as school officials and faculty. The practitioners took the opportunity to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to them. In the end, the tutor said that he hoped to invite us to teach their students to perform the Fan Dance and to introduce traditional Chinese culture.

On February 1, 2003, Dafa practitioners went to York to give performances in a New Year celebration at the invitation of an association in York, as we were the first place winner of the community groups in the parade performances last year in the opening ceremony of Edinburgh International Art Festival. But due to interference of another association backed by the Chinese regime, we were unable to give performances at the celebration. The practitioners changed their schedule and gave performances in downtown York. We sang for the first time songs composed by Dafa practitioners, especially for rescuing two UK practitioners' relatives in China. Dafa practitioners' touching performance won rounds of applause. Spectators were happy to accept our truth-clarifying flyers and sign their names on our petition letter.

On February 2, 2003, we participated in a New Year celebration held by Chinese communities in the city hall of Oxford. About 600 people, including the mayor of Oxford and VIP guests from the city government, watched the performances. A Dafa practitioner from Oxford performed self-composed music on the lute. In the end, young practitioners performed a lovely dance. An audience member remarked, "It's so sweet." The mayor had a conversation with the young practitioners and had a photo taken with the Dafa practitioners.

On February 3, 2003, an Oxford TV station invited us to make a special live program for celebrating the Chinese New Year. The program included our traditional Chinese Fan Dance and recitals of Chinese musical instruments, including two music pieces by Dafa practitioner playing the lute. Accompanying her performance, two practitioners gracefully performed Falun Dafa exercises behind her. The host curiously asked what the exercises are. The practitioners then took the opportunity to introduce Falun Gong to the TV viewers. The lute-playing Dafa practitioner had an interview with the host. She said that practicing Falun Gong endowed her music with a spiritual gift, because she obtained a peaceful mind and inspiration from the depths of her heart.

"Falun Dafa is good
Gradually entering the human realm "

("Dafa is Good")

We felt the rapid pace of Fa-rectification through giving these performances. We will use our righteous thoughts and righteous actions to welcome the grand moment of Fa-rectification in the human world.