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Latest News from China - 02/21/2003

February 27, 2003 |  


[Beijing, China] Jiang Zemin's Criminal Regime Holds Emergency Conference on Ways to Further Block the Internet

From February 10 to 14, 2003, Jiang's regime held an emergency conference in Beijing, which was attended by the heads of the Public Security Bureaus from all the provinces and cities in charge of Falun Gong issues. The topic of the conference was how to control the Internet in China. During the past three years, Jiang's criminal group has mobilized much money and manpower, hired many computer professionals from universities and stationed them at the computer supervision departments to develop web-supervision software, and forced all Internet bars in China to install such software. They tracked the phone numbers of users that visited foreign websites deemed "sensitive" by the government, and carried out intensive monitoring and investigations accordingly. If they found Dafa practitioners using the Internet, they would search the practitioners' homes (based on the illegal rules made by the ministry of the public security: it's a crime for Dafa practitioners to surf the Internet). Despite these efforts, Dafa truth materials are everywhere. The news that Jiang is being sued in the US, and the founding of the international organization to investigate the persecution of Dafa practitioners were quickly passed throughout China.

[Laiyang, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Gao Taixu Is Persecuted by Police

Gao Taixu lives at the Jiang Tong Township, Laiyang City. Right before the opening of the 16th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party on October 30, 2002, his village Party Secretary asked him to stop practicing Falun Gong. He refused. On October 31, while he was working in the field, eight policemen came to arrest him. Many villagers watched the scene. Gao explained the truth about Dafa with righteous thoughts and dignity, and pointed out that what the policemen were doing was illegal. After about three hours, the police used force to arrest him. He tried to escape using the ruse of going to the restroom, but the policemen found him. He crossed over a wall and broke his legs when he landed on the other side; only then did the police let him go.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] The Jiyuqiao Street Police Station and the Wuchang District "610 Office" Arrest Dafa Practitioner Zhang Jian

Zhang Jian is an employee of the Jia-le-fu Company in Hongshan District, Wuhan City. At around 2áp.m. on February 2003, he was taken by police officers from the Jiyuqiao Street Police Station and the Wuchang District "610 Office" in front of his company. He is being illegally detained at the Yangyuan "610" base at the Wuchang District. "610" official Hu called Zhang Jian's family to ask for daily items and said Zhang Jian had been detained in order to forcibly transform him, and that he will only be released after he is "transformed."

[note: "610 Office" is a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches.]

[China] The Suffering of Dafa Practitioner Zhang Songmei Persecuted by Police

On July 20, 1999, Zhang Songmei was arrested and sent back home when he went to appeal for Falun Gong. Policemen in the Western City District hung him up on a tree to expose him to the hot sun, slapped him with belts after stripping him of his clothing, and tortured him with electric batons. Zhang was beaten until he passed out from the pain. The police told his family to pick him up and take him home, and asked them to pay 1000 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] for his release. His father had to pay the 1000 Yuan before carrying Zhang home.

Zhang went to appeal 9 times, and many times his feet were covered with blisters because of the long distances he had to walk. He was sent to the "dispatching office" because he raised a banner on Tiananmen Square, and was forced to eat dark-colored rice porridge that reeked of pig excrement. When he refused to eat, he was punched. The police repeatedly picked him up and beat him for four hours. When the policemen became tired, they would coerce criminals to continue the beating. After Zhang fell unconscious, they woke him up by pouring cold water on him, and then shocked him with electric batons. They forced him to sit on a "tiger bench" [A small iron bench about 20 cm (8 inches) tall. The subject's knees are tied together, his hands are tied behind his back or sometimes placed on the knees, and he is forced to sit straight up and look straight ahead for long periods of time, which causes great physical suffering]. He fainted twice and was twice sent to a hospital for emergency treatment. After he was revived, he was sent to a forced labor camp. In the second brigade of the forced labor camp, Zhang did not give up. He was transferred to the fourth brigade, then to the intensive training group where he was detained in a mini-cell, and tortured by sensory deprivation [no light or sound could enter the room]. But his heart was firm in Dafa.

[Anlu City, Hubei Province] Female Dafa Practitioner Shi Chunxian Detained at the Sili Detention Center

During the period of the Party's 16th National Congress, Shi Chunxian went to Beijing to explain the facts about Dafa and was illegally arrested. Because she did not give up the practice, she is still being detained at the Sili Detention Center.

[Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Police Officers in the Yuemingshan Forced Labor Camp Still Persecuting Dafa Practitioners

Because of reports published on the Minghui website (Clearwisdom.net) and practitioner's sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate evil in other dimensions, policemen in the Yuemingshan Forced Labor Camp tempered their treatment of Dafa practitioners. However, the persecution of Dafa practitioners did not stop. Just after the Chinese New Year, the police started a new round of abuses. Dafa practitioners were hurt both mentally and physically. Four of them were tortured so badly that they had to be hospitalized or were bailed out for out-of-camp medical treatment; many were badly injured. The camp officials also threatened Dafa practitioners' family members.

[Karamay, Xinjiang AR] Female Dafa Practitioner Zhao Weixiang Is Kidnapped

Before the Party's 16th National Congress, Zhao Weixiang was arrested from her home, and police officers prevented her family from visiting her.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Police Officers in the Public Security Bureau Decide to Put Every Falun Gong Practitioner Through "The Ordeal"

On February 15, the Wuhan City Public Security Bureau held a secret meeting at which they plotted a new round of persecution against Dafa practitioners. Now the orders have been passed to the community level. The orders state that all those who have ever practiced Falun Gong must write the so-called "three guarantees" even if he or she is not currently practicing. Otherwise, the practitioners will be arrested. Many practitioners have been arrested.

[Note: "Three Statements" are documents coerced under extreme pressure, torture and brainwashing, designed by the Chinese authority to ensure that detained Falun Gong practitioners are appropriately brain-washed. The statements consist of a letter of repentance, a guarantee to never again practice Falun Gong, and a list containing names and addresses of all family, friends and acquaintances of the detainee who practice Falun Gong. This system was concocted by the "610 Office," an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.]

[Daqing, Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioner Liu Hanxue from the Petroleum Management Bureau Fire Branch Is Arrested (Relevant Phone Numbers Listed)

On the morning of February 17, Liu Hanxue was arrested, and his whereabouts are still unknown. It's known that the Daqing Petroleum Management Bureau recently organized brainwashing classes aimed at Dafa practitioners; and the Daqing "610 Office" is plotting a new round of persecution.

Mailing address of the Petroleum Management Bureau Fire Branch: Xijing Lu No.25, Hulu District, Daqing City, 163453. Fax: 86-459-5190216, 5391279

Phone numbers:

Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party: Du Changyou, 86-459-5905608 (office),
86-459-5988360 (home), 86-13904861655 (mobile)

Branch head: Zhang Huiyi, 86-459-5905588 (office), 86-459-9501180 (home),
86-13903696180 (mobile)

Deputy Secretary: Zhang Zhijun, 86-459-5905386 (office), 86-459-5963967 (home,
86-13804673265 (mobile)

Office director: Lu Chuanlin, 86-459-5905528 (office), 86-459-5718821 (home),
86-13039880869 (mobile)

The Daqing Petroleum Management Bureau "610 Office":

Director: Tian Zhiyong, 86-459-5967788 (office), 86-459-5961655 (home),
86-13804661655 (mobile)

Deputy director: Zhang Guojun, 86-459-5992978 (office), 86-459-5901868 (home),
86-13009816051 (mobile)

Clerk: Liu Xiping, 86-459-5993351 (office), 86-459-5988028 (home), 86-459-12831909 (pager)

February 21, 2003