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Finland: Practitioners meet with the Foreign Minister in Parliament

February 26, 2003 |   By Finnish practitioners


Falun Gong practitioners in Finland have been in frequent contact with Members of the Finnish Parliament, and have personally met many of them to provide them with information about Falun Gong and tell them about recent developments in the cruel persecution in China. On September 6th 2002, practitioners met the Finnish Foreign Minister, Mr. Erkki Tuomioja, in the Finnish Parliament building. The head of the Human Rights Unit of the Foreign Ministry, Ms. Johanna Suurp , also attended the meeting.

One of the Finnish practitioners talked about the urgent need for this meeting, outlining the recent of spate of deaths of practitioners in China at the hands of the Jiang regime, as well as the unwillingness of the Chinese government officials to accept worldwide appeals to end this persecution. Practitioners provided printed materials with further information on these issues. The Foreign Minister discussed the persecution and told us how the Government of Finland is working hard for international human rights.

Ms. Suurp informed us that a report on the meeting would be written and that it would be circulated internally within the parliament. We also got to hear that the informative materials we have sent to the government on different occasions have always been received and read. Ms. Suurp asked us to send more materials in the future.

This meeting strengthened the connection between the Finnish Falun Gong practitioners and Finnish Government officials. The issue of Falun Gong and the brutal persecution were brought into the limelight in the hope that the Jiang regime's crimes against humanity can be finished as soon as possible.
