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Latest News from China - 02/06/2003

February 19, 2003 |  


[Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Two Dafa Practitioners Sentenced Illegally

Zhang Xuefeng, male, born August 29, 1965, holds a college degree, and is an office staff member in the Civil Engineering College in Nanjing Industry University. The Nanjing Xiaguan Law Court illegally sentenced him to eight and a half years in prison on July 29, 2002.

Huang Jianping, male, born September 1, 1963, holds a university degree. He was illegally sentenced to three years in prison by the Nanjing Xiaguan Court.

[Beijing] Tuanhe Policemen Spread Rumors about Minghui Net Being Discontinued

In late December, policemen at the Tuanhe Labor Camp falsely spread the rumor that "Minghui Net has been stopped, there is no longer any news." They deceived Falun Gong practitioners in this way, attempting to prevent those practitioners who have enlightened along an evil path from returning to Dafa. Most practitioners were able to recognize these lies and were not affected by them.

[Shengyang City, Liaoning Province] Shengyang Jail No. 2 Persecutes Dafa practitioners

Shengyang Dabei Jail No. 2 is a men's jail, and next to it is the Dabei Women's Jail. In No 2 Jail, Dafa practitioners are detained illegally in a few rooms in Area No.12. In each of these rooms there are several criminals illegally supervising the daily lives of Dafa practitioners. Practitioners detained here have received heavy sentences. The ages of the practitioners range from twenty to seventy years old. Among them are intellectuals at the Masters and Ph.D. degree level. When the Dafa practitioners are visited by their family members, they are placed in a room where a surveillance camera is mounted on the ceiling and the head of the police monitors their conversations. Even the regular criminals are not treated like this. Some police show their hatred because they have a misunderstanding of Dafa. On the one hand, they try to brainwash Dafa practitioners, and on the other, they deceive people by claiming how civilized the jail is, when in fact it is a vicious place.

Dabei No. 2 Jail Telephone: 86-24-88092474.

Dabei No. 2 Jail Supervisor Tel: 86-24-88905236.

[Harbin, Heilongjiang Province] Zhou Yanhua Is Detained in Wanjia Labor Camp

Zhou Yanhua, female, 40 years old, was arrested in April 2002 and detained in Wanjia Labor Camp in Harbin.

She was reported by other persons for clarifying the truth in December 2000 and arrested by the Tonghe police station. She was released 18 days later. In April 2002 she distributed Dafa materials in Qingshan Village, Tonghe County and was reported and arrested again. In October she was sent to Wanjia Labor Camp and there has not been any news of her since.

When arresting this practitioner, police took away all of her Dafa books from her home. Her 77-year-old mother-in-law and her 8-year-old child were left alone. Because police from Tonghe police station, Harbin Nangang police station and the local Hongqi police station had gone to her home to harass and threaten her, Zhou's mother-in-law was frightened. She was shaking with fright all day long and could not eat. She passed away in December 2002.

[Anshan, Liaoning Province] Righteous Thoughts Improve Environment at the Anshan Detention

Recently, because Dafa practitioners sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil in the Anshan detention center, the environment there has changed. Of a total of over 20 practitioners who have enlightened along an evil path in the detention center, most of them have declared their prior brainwashing to be invalid. Bowing to this pressure, police have released several practitioners who were in bad health to receive treatment. According to the police, they will focus on these practitioners and threatened to "educate" them after the Spring Festival.

[Liaoning Province] Liaoning Dafa Practitioners Resist Wicked Orders by Police

After I was arrested I was detained in the Shenyang detention center for 49 days. Later I was sent to the Longshan detention center for a term of one year. When police put Teacher's picture on the floor of a passageway in order to force the visiting relatives of practitioners to step on it, a fellow practitioner named Zhang was unyielding. She started a hunger strike to protest.

On the fourth day, the chief of the detention center came to negotiate with her. She said: "Why do you put our Teacher's picture on the ground and force our relatives to step on it? Haven't you created enough karma for yourself, yet? And now you cause others to generate karma for themselves! If you do not pick up my Teacher's picture I will not eat. I would rather die here." The police tried to persuade her: "You should eat. If you eat, we can try to resolve the difference." Zhang said: "You must comply with my request first before I agree to eat." The police chief consented to her request.

[Yingkou,Liaoning Province] Li Guang and His Family Are Arrested

On January 29, 2003, Dafa practitioner Li Guang and all of his family members, a total of five people, were arrested secretly, including his grandfather and his brother who do not practice Dafa. Their whereabouts are not known.

[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Harbin Police Arrest Dafa Practitioners At Will

On January 30, 2003, female practitioner Chen Yali, who works in the Taiping area concrete factory, went home from work and was apprehended by the police who waited for her close to her house. The units involved in the abduction included the political security office of the Taiping Public Security Bureau, the concrete factory police station and the factory security office. Currently, Chen is being detained in Gu Town detention center.

On January 30, 2003, in the afternoon, Dafa practitioner Li Meng (female, pseudonym) who had previously been forced to leave her home disappeared after she left her temporary residence. Possibly, police who had been waiting for her there arrested her. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

[Beijing] Dafa Practitioners at the Telecommunication Design Institute Are Persecuted

Shen Wenhui, male, 60 years old, senior engineer at the Beijing Telecommunication Design Institute, lives in the Beijing Agriculture Science Institute. Shen went to appeal four times and has been illegally detained. He was forced to submit to brainwashing. After returning home he recovered his clear mind and re-entered the current of Fa rectification . He was forced to move from place to place to avoid further persecution for a period of time. In October 2001 he went to Tiananmen Square and was arrested again and sent to a labor camp. One and a half years have passed and he is still there.

Zhang Yunjie, female, 41 years old, a senior engineer of Beijing Telecommunications, lives in No 43 #602, Erlong Road, Xicheng district, Beijing. She has been detained twice and her house was ransacked once. Police looted all of her life savings. The second time she was detained for 28 days and sentenced to two years. She has been on a hunger strike to protest forced labor. Later she was released on bail due to poor health and the need for her skills at work. However, because she refused to give up cultivation and refused to write a guarantee letter, she continued to be persecuted. Her technical work was stopped and she was sent to do physical work. She also no longer receives her salary and was later stripped of her official rank. She was forced to submit to brainwashing sessions many times. She was not swayed by the evil at all and even awakened those people who enlightened along an evil path. Her husband, who does not cultivate, was also asked to attend the brainwashing class. In order to evade the evil brainwashing she has moved from place to place. She left home again in July 2001.

[Masanjia, Liaoning Province] The List of Anshan Practitioners Detained in Masanjia

Li Yanmei, Feng Suzhen, Zhang Lianyun, Xu Fengmei, Wang Jingli, Xu Pingxiang, Zhang Xiaofang, Wang Qinghua, Wang Zhixian, Song Baoxia, Lin Weimin, Ma Xiuqin, Zhang Wenju, Wu Feng, Xu Yanju, Jia Lulu, Liu Li, Li Mei, Shao Ying, Hao Suxiang, Jing Sumei, Zhao Guizhi, Li Ling, Li Li, Li Peimin, Xu Min, Chen Guizhen, Yu Changxia, Sun Fengying, Hou Yingqiu, Zhan Deyan, Zang Yulan, Bai Yuhua.
