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Some Thoughts Regarding the End of Our Journey

February 12, 2003 |   By a Dafa Practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Many practitioners have talked about their thoughts regarding how to treat "ending". Here, I will look at this issue from a different angle.

If we know that the Fa-rectification will end tomorrow, couldn't we get rid of our attachments today? I think that once we know the truth, we can get rid of all of our attachments and mutated thoughts. If we can treat every opportunity of getting rid of attachments and saving sentient being as the last opportunity, wouldn't it be easy for us to get rid of our attachments? Everything in the human world is like clouds and smoke passing by. Compared with beautiful everlasting things, which are worthy of our treasuring them?

The purpose of our cultivation is to return to our original true selves. However, we should not be attached to consummation or to our levels. We reach consummation and our levels through cultivation rather than by being attached to them. In order to get back to our true natures and to live in that environment created by Dafa, we must meet the standards at that level. Just like the principle taught by Teacher: if a student spends all of his time on the attachment of going to college rather than studying, he is unlikely to be admitted to college. On the contrary, if he just steadily studies and learns everything he should learn, then he will naturally obtain what he should have.