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A Chat Room Friend: What You Have Been Doing is Very Right; You are Waking Up More and More People

December 29, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Editor's note: Below is a chat room friend's letter to Falun Gong practitioners. We thank this kind-hearted person. Dafa practitioners will continue to make the best efforts to clarify the truth to people about the persecution of Falun Dafa.

Greetings, Falun Gong practitioners. I am a college student. I am very glad to have the opportunity to communicate with you. (I owe my thanks to a chat room friend from Shanghai, who told me how to access the overseas Internet through the "Free Gate" software.) I am glad that you let me know the truth about Falun Gong; but I am shocked by this tragedy happening in the 21st century.

I knew nothing about Falun Gong until 1999, when I gained the impression that Falun Gong was a "religion" with a political agenda, just like the "Yellow Turbans" [a large-scale peasant uprising at the close of the Eastern Han Dynasty] and the "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom" [established by Hong Xiuquan during the Taiping Revolution in the Qing Dynasty, the largest of peasant uprisings in China's history]. I thought you were a secret assembly aiming to overthrow the ruling party. Of course, I was only a high school senior at that time, and I didn't continue to pay attention to Falun Gong after that.

Well, I have to say that being too nice may be a misfortune for Chinese people. My mother's youngest brother starved to death in 1959, and her grandfather was tortured to death in a Communist prison, yet my whole family remains loyal to the Party. My dad is a Party member, and the first thing he did after watching the news about the ban against Falun Gong in 1999, was to tell my auntie to immediately cut off any relationship with Falun Gong.

As time went by, however, I gradually felt that something was not right. Among other things, the fact that the Party's news always emphasized the issue of "forbidding people to see a doctor or take medicin" raised my suspicions about what they were saying. Compared to other accusations the Party made about Falun Gong, this was very trivial; yet it was stressed every time. After entering college, I often found in my mailbox truth clarification literature sent by Falun Gong practitioners, and I carefully read it all every time. I became more and more suspicious of the ruling party's lies. How could they be like that? If what's said in the mail is true, then a party that promotes [Jiang's policy known as ]"the three represents" is actually so disgusting. However, I was still not convinced, as the literature in the mail had not provided a good analysis of the whole Falun Gong issue.

One day, however, I obtained the "Free Gate" software and was able to learn the facts through very serious and objective analyses. I finally realized that all Chinese people had been deceived. I cannot tolerate the existence of such an atrocity in a civilized society.

I must acknowledge that I currently live in the ivory tower of university life and don't need to worry about making a living yet, but meanwhile, I consider myself a righteous and kind-hearted person. Since I have learned the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution, seeing so many good people, my fellow countrymen, being persecuted, I have the responsibility and obligation to help them. A sentence in Mr. Lu Xun's article [a famous writer in 1930s] has made a deep impression on me: "Imagine that in a big iron room many people are soundly sleeping without knowing that they are dying, ... at this time a few wake up. ... How dare we say there is no hope that this big iron room can be broken out of?" In today's China, there are fewer good people, and I have painfully noticed many times that there are so many bad people. We should not allow the evil to run wild any more. I have thought of an idea; that is, when I browse the Internet at school or in an Internet café, I reveal the facts of Falun Gong on bulletin board servers and in chat rooms as much as I can. Actually, my good friend has a printer, but I still do not dare print the truth-clarification materials.

At this time, I can only help you in this way. In the final analysis, I still fear the ruling party's dictatorship rule. I am very selfish, aren't I? Man still considers self-interests after all. Not everyone can become a hero, please forgive my cowardice. I am very sorry. I cannot meet the standard of a good person, but I still have a conscience. In the future, I will try my best to tell my friends and classmates about the truth.

In addition, I'd like to share my opinion on Falun Gong. I don't very much believe in Qigong, but there is no justification for a non-political group to suffer such vicious treatment. Even if it has a little esoteric principles, that is not a big deal. (Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism all have esoteric principles; who rules that it is not allowed to establish a new belier now?) Moreover, Falun Gong requires practitioners to follow "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," which should really be commended in today's country where the expansion of a moral desert is accelerating. In addition, cultivation brings all kinds of benefits (granted that Qigong is not that magical, it is still beneficial to health), so what's so wrong in supporting Qigong to an appropriate extent? Also, Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, has said many times that Falun Gong does not have a political agenda.

I think the things you have been doing are very right, you are waking up more and more people, including me, an ignorant and ill-informed person. I hope you can continue your effort. The Party follows the mass line. Water allows the boat to float; it can also overturn it. This big iron room needs more sunshine!

Lastly, please again forgive my being selfish. Compared to those who directly face the evil, I am nothing.

December 14, 2003