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My Understanding of "Fa-Rectification Cultivation"

December 22, 2003 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Reading the experience sharing articles on Clearwisdom.net, I have gained a different understanding of "Fa-rectification Cultivation." In the past, I interpreted the "Fa-rectification cultivation" as "cultivation in Fa-rectification." Now my personal understanding is that it is the "cultivation that goes along with Master's Fa-rectification."

In reality, to "cultivate in Fa-rectification" fundamentally does not depart from "selfishness." It is still based on "selfishness" and "self," and is quite far from the proper notion of "unselfish and selfless" or "always thinking of others first." Speaking with a slight exaggeration, this is somewhat similar to the thoughts of the old forces, that is, to utilize Fa-rectification and to get from it what one wants. Master has said: "It might seem that you have done what you should do for Dafa, when actually, you are doing it for your comprehensive Consummation and return." ("Fa-rectification Period Dafa Disciples").This is the fact that Master told us. As a disciple, if we take our own consummation and return as the final goal in this unprecedented Fa-rectification period, we probably have deviated from our noble pre-historical wishes of saving sentient beings. As a matter of fact, Fa-rectification is bound to succeed. Even if no one passes the test, Dafa can create new universes. It is Master's benevolence that allows us this honor.

Whether it is "cultivation in Fa-rectification" or "cultivation that goes along with Master's Fa-rectification," the difference is where your starting point is. Do I put "me" in the first place, or do I put Master's wishes first. Either way is cultivating, but the implications are very different in these two cases. This reminds me of those practitioners who failed to step forward. Even from the individual cultivation point of view, we all know the principle of "The cultivation is up to you, gong is up to the master." (Zhuan Falun)

Master asked us to do three things well and to save the sentient beings. How can we only care about our own cultivation at home? Perhaps one is concerned about one's own safety. Does the issue of safety exist for the true life of a practitioner who has obtained Fa and whose thoughts and conduct are both righteous? Aren't those sentient beings that face the possibility of being dropped out and their corresponding huge groups of lives in the cosmos the ones truly jeopardized? Where is our benevolence if we do not try to save them? Shall we not be responsible for the sentient beings, for Dafa, for the future of the universe, and for ourselves?

Above is my own understanding. Please correct me if I am mistaken.