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Latest News from China - November 21, 2003

December 15, 2003 |  


  • [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] The Hewan Forced Labor Camp Brutally Tortures Dafa Practitioners
  • [Liaoning Province] Facts About Police Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Huazi Prison
  • [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Wang Jianhui is Detained at the Zhuozhou Brainwashing Base
  • [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioners are Tortured
  • [Yunnan Province] Police at Kunming City and Anning City Illegally Arrest Dafa Practitioners
  • [Liaoning Province] Practitioner Chen Yueqiu is Illegally Arrested
  • [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] A Dafa Material Production Site at Jingtang County is Destroyed
  • [Cengzhou City, Hunan Province] Practitioner Mr. Xiao Sixian is Arrested
  • [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] the Communist Party Secretary of the Xuanhua Steel Company Organizes Employees to Watch Videos That Slander Dafa

1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] The Hewan Forced Labor Camp Brutally Tortures Dafa Practitioners

The 6th Brigade at the Hewan Forced Labor Camp is for women, and more than ten Dafa practitioners are detained there. Some Dafa practitioners were allowed only two hours of sleep a day and some have not touched a bed for over one month. Some are forced to stand for hours and work very hard. In October 2003, the camp organized a brainwashing session in an isolated room. Determined Dafa practitioners were handcuffed and hung up for a long time. This caused painful swelling of their lower bodies. Police officers refused them use of a toilet. At the brigade for men, some police officers wrote words cursing Teacher and Dafa on the walls and ground. Two such brainwashing sessions have been held and they are becoming more and more vicious.

2. [Liaoning Province] Facts About Police Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at Huazi Prison

Mr. Cao Yang, at the third area of the Huazi Prison, resumed practicing Falun Dafa and motivated other former practitioners to practice again. Seeing this made police officers Li Chengxin and Wang Jianjun very angry. They detained Cao Yang and put him into a mini-cell. So far, he has been isolated for about four months. They sued Cao Yang and wanted to extend his term. Deng Yunxiang and Dai Wudong from the administrative department lied to Cao's family to try to achieve their goals of forcing Cao to give up his beliefs. He has suffered a lot, but Cao is still very firm towards Dafa and maintains strong righteous thoughts.

3. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Wang Jianhui is Detained at the Zhuozhou Brainwashing Base

Wang is currently being illegally detained at the Zhuozhou Brainwashing Base. He is holding a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The people who are responsible for the persecution are:

Li Qingshan, head of the Tangshan City Radio and TV Broadcasting Bureau, 86-315-2832266 (O)
Xiong Guoxiang, Communist Party Secretary of the Bureau, 86-315-2846303 (O)

4. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioners are Tortured

The methods used by the Tangshan Jail in torturing Dafa practitioners include forced brainwashing, sleep deprivation, prolonged exposure to the hot sun, isolation, not being allowed visitation, handcuffed behind the back (by pulling one hand over the shoulder), and being handcuffed by twisting the hands together behind the back. One practitioner was tortured in this way while being forced to stand up for over ten days until his hands swelled up, festered with blood, and the flesh became inseparable. Currently one of the practitioners is on a hunger strike that has so far lasted five to six days.

5. [Yunnan Province] Police at Kunming City and Anning City Illegally Arrest Dafa Practitioners

At 11:00 p.m. on November 6, 2003, police officers in Anning City broke into the homes of Dafa practitioners. They arrested Ai Zhonghua from the Dahuan Phosphorus Factory, and Feng Baoding, Gao Huixian, and Zhang Xu from the Kunming Steel Corporation. Two computers were confiscated and two Dafa material stations were destroyed. This is the third time that Feng Baoding has been arrested and the second time Zhang Xu has been arrested. They were detained at the Kunming Steel Corporation's Communist Party School, which has now been turned into the Kunming Third Detention Center.

Inside the detention centers in the Kunming area, Dafa practitioners are forced to work long hours collecting peppers, beans, and other produce. They suffer both mentally and physically. The police then sell these items at several times or even ten times the market price to extort money from Dafa practitioners. The Kuming 2nd and the Luokan Dapingba Detention Centers are especially cruel in persecuting Dafa practitioners.

On November 6, 2003, over thirty practitioners in Kunming City were arrested and their whereabouts are not known.

6. [Liaoning Province] Practitioner Chen Yueqiu is Illegally Arrested

Chen Yueqiu is a senior teacher at the Shenyang Railway Experimental Middle School. On November 20, 2003 Chen was arrested and sent to the Zhangshi Legal School, which is actually a brainwashing center.

Relevant units:
Heping District Political and Judiciary Committee ("610 Office"*)
Shenli Street Office: 86-24-23505626 (headed by Guo Chunjie)
The Railway Experimental Middle School
Address: Nanjing Nanjie 31, Heping District, Shenyang City, postal code: 110005
Headmaster's office: TEL: 86-24-62035429, FAX: 86-24-23520585
Teaching Administrative Office: TEL: 86-24-62035139

7. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] A Dafa Material Production Site at Jingtang County is Destroyed

Around November 18-19, 2003 a Dafa material production site in Jintang County was destroyed. It is believed that a practitioner was followed, and his rented room was broken into by police officers. A computer, printer, CD copier and other items were taken by police. The practitioner has disappeared.

8. [Cengzhou City, Hunan Province] Practitioner Mr. Xiao Sixian is Arrested

Xiao was arrested by the local "610 Office" at the end of 2003. So far, nothing has been heard about his situation. Dafa practitioner Wei Qi from Henan province, and Deng Yunhuan and Wang Chunlin from Hunan Province were arrested by the "610 Office" of Dong Guan City, Guangdong Province. Their whereabouts are unknown.

9. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] the Communist Party Secretary of the Xuanhua Steel Company Organizes Employees to Watch Videos That Slander Dafa

Yang Zhihe is the Communist Party Secretary of the Xuanhua Steel Company. Recently, he organized employees to watch videos that defamed Dafa. Yang's wife is a Dafa practitioner. In the past she delivered Dafa truth-clarifying materials to some out of town places. She was arrested and fined 10,000 Yuan. The Xuanhua Steel Company has stated that any employee practicing any Qigong will be laid off.

Relevant people and phone numbers:
Mao Jianping, security person at the 1st section of the Public Security Department,
Xuanhua Steel Company. Tel: 86-313-8671245
Yang Zhihe: 86-313-8674271 (H)

*The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems.
