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Article Review: How A New Practitioner Obtained The Fa

November 15, 2003 |   A new practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) I am 73 years old. Throughout my life I had always been very healthy. I had no problem eating or sleeping until last September. At that time I gradually began feeling uncomfortable and fatigued. Then I began suffering from stomach pains and started eating less and less. By last December, I could only eat porridge instead of solid food. I became weaker and weaker. My legs were swollen. I did not see a doctor. I quickly lost weight and became so weak that I could not even walk. As it got worse, I had to stay in bed all the time. After my friends and family urged me to see a doctor, I went and had an X-ray done on my stomach. The doctor said that it was stomach cancer. I had a malignant tumor the size of an egg. The tumor grew rapidly, and I felt it moving in my stomach every day. The doctor suggested that I go to a larger hospital without delay. On March 11th, my second son sent me to my eldest son's home, which is located in the capital city of the province. We went to the hospital the very next day. Upon seeing the X-ray result, the doctor suggested to me that I had no other choice besides surgery. The operation's cost was estimated to be 8,000 Yuan. Even so, the doctors could not guarantee that the operation would be successful. I figured that I was too old and weak to survive the surgery. I then decided not to have the surgery and instead go home and wait for the worst.

When I was in deep desperation, my two sons persuaded me to practice Falun Gong. I hesitated, for I did not know Falun Gong well at that time, and I had seen all the bad propaganda on TV. My sons tried very hard to convince me and told me many examples of how fatally ill patients got well after they practiced Falun Gong. Eventually I changed my mind and decided to give it a try.

Starting from April 15th, 2001, I listened to one of the 2-hour lecture tapes given by Master Li in Jinan every day. The lectures lasted seven days. The first four days I felt discomfort all over. I could not eat meat and only drank a little milk and porridge. The last three days were even worse. I could not even drink porridge. I threw up every time I tried to eat. I had not eaten anything for three days and vomited yellowish liquid several times a day. It was quite unbearable. I wanted to go home, and blamed my son for watching me suffer. My son replied, "Master Li is purifying your body." I held on for seven days. Though I did not eat anything during the last three days, I looked very well and felt better. On the morning of the eighth day, I ate and felt relaxed. On the ninth day, I went shopping with my son and had lunch at a relative's house. I could eat like a normal person. Then we continued shopping in the afternoon. I was not tired at all. I was shocked. How could I recover this quickly? How miraculous Falun Gong was! I had only practiced Falun Gong for eight days, and not only were all my diseases gone, my personality was also changed. I was totally reborn. It is Falun Gong that saved my life and gave me a second chance.

In the lectures, Teacher Li asks us to conduct ourselves based on "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance". We have to be good people and be kind to others. We always try to help others and look within ourselves when a conflict occurs. Do not seek after fame and gain and look lightly on profit. What a wonderful teaching our Teacher has given us! I wish more people would get to know and practice Falun Gong.