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Spain: Explaining the Facts about the Lawsuit against Jiang (photo)

October 25, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net October 24, 2003)

After submitting a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin to the National Court in Madrid and holding a press conference, practitioners went to the Spanish Square in the center of Madrid to promote Falun Dafa and appeal for signatures of support from passers-by. There were many people there; practitioners displayed exhibition boards beside a fountain in the center of the Square. Beautiful Falun Gong music played in the breeze and was coupled with the practitioners' peaceful exercise demonstration. This made the Square a wonderful place to be and passers-by were attracted by the exercise demonstration.

Madrid's many Chinese people were shocked to learn that so many westerners practice Falun Gong. Practitioners noticed that after they saw photos and read information about the persecution on the display boards, it was not so difficult to talk to them about Falun Gong and the persecution. Many of them listened attentively and thought about the matter quietly. One person said: "I have long doubted the credibility of the propaganda in Mainland China. If practicing Falun Gong makes someone commit suicide or self-immolation, there would not be so many westerners practicing Falun Gong." One woman who was holding a baby came to ask for more information. She said she knew that there is no freedom of speech or belief in Mainland China, and that she would never believe in the Jiang regime's fabricated propaganda. She also added that many of her relatives were practising Falun Gong in China, and that she supports the lawsuit that has been filed in Spain.

A western practitioner from Sweden spoke in Mandarin to some Chinese people who were looking at the photo display. He said, "Hello! I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Sweden. All the propaganda against Falun Gong is fabricated lies by the Jiang regime. After practicing Falun Gong, I have become healthy, have high spirits and lead a harmonious family life...." His fluent Chinese and his kind face immediately gave the Chinese people a good impression. They replied, "We believe you."

One little 3-year-old practitioner called Fadu got a stack of Chinese leaflets and wanted to distribute them to all of the Chinese people she came across. One Chinese person waved his hands to signal that he didn't want one as soon as he saw that it was about Falun Gong. He thought that he had got rid of the girl and walked ahead quickly. Without a second thought, little Fadu caught up with him and pulled at his hand to give him the leaflet. The Chinese man was still reluctant. Little Fadu did not give up, held the man's hands tightly and told him innocently, "Falun Dafa is good." Looking at this innocent child, the man seemed to be moved by her pure and compassionate heart. He burst into laughter and finally accepted the materials, which he read while walking away.

Practitioners handed out flyers to passers-by and collected petition signatures. They also distributed information about the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. Many people took the initiative to come over and ask for a flyer. Some even asked for extra ones for their family and friends. After finding out that Jiang Zemin has been sued in Spain on the charge of "genocide," they showed their support by signing their names in the appeal signature books. Some people also wished practitioners success.

During the course of the activities to bring Jiang to justice, practitioners have received letters of support from members of the Senate and the Congress of Deputies. A member of the Congress of Deputies said that he would explain our situation to all people who love peace and are concerned about human rights. People are actively seeking ways to help practitioners, and are striving to end this persecution.

Source URL : www.clearharmony.net/articles/189912/15814.html