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Deny the Mutual-Generation and Mutual-Inhibition Principle of the Old Forces

October 14, 2003 |   By a practitioner in North America


In order to validate Dafa, clarify the truth and suppress the evil, Dafa disciples frequently use some special methods and skills in the human world. I think this is certainly not wrong.

The basic idea is to comply with Fa-Rectification and offer salvation to all sentient beings with as many kind, compassionate and righteous thoughts as possible. Yet sometimes, the evil came up with the same ideas as we had. The evil then even went further so as to devise a way to counter our efforts.

I often asked myself, "Are we emphasizing too much on the technological means and methods present in society?"

Today, I thought of Teacher's words,

"the principle of mutual-generation and mutual-inhibition will change in the future" (from the article "For Whom do You Practice Cultivation?" Essentials For Further Advancement),

My understanding of the scenario mentioned above is that the old forces stick to the principle of mutual-generation and mutual-inhibition of the old cosmos and thus interfere with our goal of clarifying the truth and offering salvation to all sentient beings. The true intention of the old forces is to interfere with the progress of Fa-Rectification.

However, the principle of the new cosmos is that the evil cannot win over the righteous. Thus, we have to use Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts, rather than depending upon the methods and techniques of everyday people, to completely deny the degenerated old principles and arrangements of the old forces.

When our righteous thoughts are strong, our thinking will be much richer and our wisdom will be abundant and will never be depleted. All of this wisdom is beyond the level of people in society, and together with the effect of righteous thoughts, it plays a role in eliminating the evil and its arrangements.