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Poem: Reflections Upon Cultivation

January 07, 2003 |  


Cultivation, a call
to heart... Curtailed
perhaps of comfort, yet
not one treasureless
moment while ascending.

To hasten our voyage,
relinquishing all that
would render heart
and mind anchored,
bound to the 'everyday.'

Bodhisattva, distant
from sounds ever strident...
Beyond all that diminishes
blossoming of lotus and

By night, pondering the
unfoldment of the cosmos...
Dawn, then to forge my
path, awakening further
upon Zhen, Shan, Ren.

Parting with attachments
seizing the ways of Dafa.
Heart now deeper, diamond-
like, days of brimming and

Towards skies more
than any light of sun,
cloudless and havened blue.
Fa-rectification, more
than mere illumination.

Where every pure heart
finds form, every gesture
of Zhen, Shan, Ren speaks
volumes upon the journey
through cultivation.

Buddha, bearer of
luminosity, the boundless
made flesh and finite...
One brief sojourn into
this realm of shadows.

Here, yet another
threshold to pass... One
pledge to Dafa and Teacher,
ourselves and myriads of
sentient beings.

Consummation, our own
compendium of lives
now drawn to a most
majestic and sublime

A Dafa Disciple 12/14/02