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Summary of Other Articles and News - 01/22/2003

January 25, 2003 |  


Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

The story of a young practitioner: Huan Huan is nine years old. One night when Huan Huan sent forth righteous thoughts, he/she saw Master standing on a lotus flower. Huan Huan sat on a lotus flower and flew into another dimension, and saw many magnificent scenes. In December 2000, Huan Huan and his/her parents went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, and Huan Huan's parents were both arrested and illegally sentenced to one year in jail. Huan Huan was deprived of their love and the warmth of a family, but "Falun Dafa is good" is deeply engraved in the depth of his/her heart. Huan Huan became a determined Dafa practitioner.

The experience of an elder Dafa practitioner: I am 64 years old. Before I obtained Dafa, I was afflicted with numerous illnesses and could not take care of myself. In September 1997, several days after I read Zhuan Falun, I was able to take care of myself. My illnesses gradually disappeared after I began practicing Dafa. On January 1, 2001 [Chinese lunar calendar], I went to Tiananmen Square and unfurled a banner that read, "Falun Buddha Fa." The police arrested me. In the detention center I clarified the truth to the guards and prisoners and sent forth righteous thoughts along with other practitioners. As a result, the environment was changed. I was sentenced to two years of forced labor. Because I didn't study the Fa solidly, I was temporarily deceived by the people who had enlightened along an evil path. After returning home, through Fa study, I realized my behavior damaged Dafa and I immediately announced that all I said and wrote in the labor camp that was against Dafa are completely void, and I would continue to practice Dafa. During this period of time I clarified the truth and distributed flyers to relatives and friends, as well as the police and people working in the legal system, and the outcome was good.

Truths About the Persecution

A Dafa practitioner was sent to Jilin Province's Female Prison. Half a month later when her family visited her, they could hardly recognize her. This practitioner's face was black and blue with dried blood, and scars were all over her body. Her weight dropped from 130 jin to less than 100 jin [about 140 lb to 110 lb]. The guard said, "At this place, if you don't reform and write the 'break-away' statement, then you'll face torture, which would be very hard for a human body to endure."

Female Dafa practitioner Zhang Yulian from Nanyang, Henan Province is in her 60's. In late 2000 she went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested and detained at the Shangzhuang Detention Center in Nanyang. Up until now, she has been illegally detained and tortured there for more than two years.

Dafa practitioner Huang Zheming from Shenyang City went to Beijing twice to appeal and was illegally detained. He was sent to the Longshan Labor Camp where he was illegally detained for three years. He was released before his due time but was forced to leave home, because the street and community officials often harassed him. On August 7, 2002, Huang Zheming was kidnapped by the security division of his work unit on his way home. In order to escape the evil's persecution, Huang jumped from the third floor of the security division building, and one of his ankles suffered comminuted fracture. He was sent to No. 2 Prison Hospital in Shenyang City. He held a hunger strike in prison. On December 2, he was sent to Dadong District Detention Center in Shenyang City.