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People Are Gradually Learning the Truth - the Media is Unable to Fool the Public Any Longer

January 23, 2003 |   By a Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) In a conversation, one of my coworkers told me, "I had a party with more than a dozen of my friends, and I told them what really happened in the "Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation" incident. All of them were sympathetic to Falun Gong practitioners and disliked the current government." This coworker later asked me to email him an electronic version of Zhuan Falun [the main book of Falun Gong teachings.].

I clarified the truth to an elderly man who repairs watches. He looked around after listening to me and then asked me to teach him the exercises. He tried the position of "embracing the wheel" repeatedly and asked me if I had the book.

In a phone conversation with a friend who is a college professor and lives in another city, he said, "I understood it all. Some departmental leaders talked about persecuting Falun Gong all day. I asked them, 'Do you really know what Falun Gong is? How can you criticize it before you even read the book?' My comments shocked them. You take care of yourself." This friend had read Zhuan Falun in my home a long time ago.

After listening to me clarifying the truth, a taxi driver told me that he saw a video clip analyzing the "Tiananman Square Self-Immolation." He believed that the analysis was very convincing, and that the incident was staged by the government to frame Falun Gong.