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Latest News from China - 01/8/2003

January 15, 2003 |  


  1. [Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province] Righteous Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sun Yu Sentenced in a Public Trial
  2. [Xingyang City, Henan Province] Arrest of Many Dafa Practitioners to the Sanlizhuang Detention Center
  3. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Dafa Practitioners Zheng Guocheng, Shao Hongying and Liu Jing are Detained at Zhengzhou City's No.1 Detention Center
  4. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Jun Escapes from Police Arrest
  5. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Police Rampantly Arrest Dafa Practitioners
  6. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiaoyan from the Jianghan District is Taken to Jianghan District's Brainwashing Class
  7. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Criminal Records of Policeman Wu Wei from the Wujiabao Forced Labor Camp
  8. [Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province] Dafa Practitioner Mr. Tang Maolin is Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor
  9. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners Liu Hailong, Wu Bilin and Yang Zhenwu
  10. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Personnel from the Street Administrative Committee of the Paoya Residence Area in Ganjingzi District Induce People to Commit Crime

[Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province] Righteous Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sun Yu Illegally Sentenced in a Public Trial

At about 2:30 p.m. on December 31, 2002, a so-called public trial was held at Wanyuan City's Stadium in Sichuan Province. When the official sentenced Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Yu to one and a half years of imprisonment without any legal procedure, she shouted, "Falun Dafa is Good! Falun Dafa is the orthodox Fa" to the over 10,000 audience members present. The frightened policemen slapped her face, threw away her glasses and then covered her mouth. But Sun Yu, the young practitioner, loosened the policeman's hands with her handcuffed hands, and continued to shout, "Restore my Teacher's reputation!" Another policeman rushed to beat her. All attendees were shocked. A group of students were angry at the violence and shouted together, "Falun Gong practitioners are good people." Facing the people's justice, the lawless officials had no choice but dismiss the meeting in haste.

[Xingyang City, Henan Province] Arrest of Many Dafa Practitioners into the Sanlizhuang Detention Center

On the afternoon of January 1, 2003, lawless policemen from Xingyang City's Police Department and Gaocun Village's Police Precinct in Henan Province broke into and ransacked the house of Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Baogui, from Mazhai Village, Gaocun Township. They confiscated Dafa books, truth-clarifying materials and over 1,300 Yuan of their personal savings [200 Yuan is the average monthly income in rural areas of China, in urban areas it is 500 Yuan]. Ma Baogui was forcibly sent to the Sanlizhuang Detention Center. The other three Dafa practitioners who were sent to the Sanlizhuang Detention Center are Liu from Muzhai Village and two Dafa practitioners from Gaocun Township.

[Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Dafa Practitioners Zheng Guocheng, Shao Hongying and Liu Jing are Detained at Zhengzhou City's No.1 Detention Center

On Sunday, December 29, 2002, policeman Yan Baixi stalked and arrested Dafa practitioners Mr. Zheng Guocheng, Ms. Shao Hongying and Ms. Liu Jing, from Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, when they were making truth-clarifying materials. Now they are detained at Zhengzhou City's No.1 Detention Center.

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Jun Escapes from Police Arrest

Ma Bin, from the Lingkong Community, together with lawless policemen from Tiexi District's Political and Judiciary Committee and the Lingkong Police Precinct in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province broke into Dafa practitioner Wang Jun's house to arrest him/her, but Wang Jun resisted the evil and successfully escaped.

[Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Police Rampantly Arrest Dafa Practitioners

One month prior to the 16th National Party Congress, the authorities became extremely agitated and began a mass arrest of Dafa practitioners after tapping their telephones, following them and getting information from collaborators. [Collaborators are former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] On October 8, several practitioners including Jia Naizhi were arrested when some collaborators turned them in.

On October 9, officers from No.1 Section of the Police Department and Zhanqian Police Station waited at Jia Naizhi's place in order to arrest other practitioners. They arrested all the practitioners who went there. Many practitioners were caught and the resulting damage to material and equipment was huge. A computer, truth-clarifying materials, Dafa books, cell phones, personal savings and pagers were all confiscated. The practitioners being caught this time were all put into handcuffs and shackles. The police tortured using painful methods and sentenced them to long forced labor or prison terms. The National Security Bureau also participated in this round of arrests.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiaoyan from the Jianghan District is Taken to Jianghan District's Brainwashing Class

On Monday January 6, 2003, four people suddenly arrested Dafa practitioner Zhang Xiaoyan from Jianghan District at the shop she owned and took her to the notorious, cruel Jianghan District Brainwashing Class.

The police claimed that Wuhan City's Political & Judiciary Committee and authorities from the "610 Office" had issued an order to all districts' Political and Juridiciary Committees to keep a close eye on Falun Gong practitioners and prohibit them from going to Beijing to appeal, otherwise the director will be dismissed. They also claimed that preventing practitioners from appealing takes precedence over anything else.

We appeal to international human right organizations to pay attention to these matters and send staff here to investigate these accounts of persecution.

[Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Criminal Records of Policeman Wu Wei from the Wujiabao Forced Labor Camp

  1. As a Dafa practitioner held in Fushun City's Forced Labor Camp did some exercises, policeman Wu Wei beat him/her so hard with a big piece of wooden bed board that he broke the ribs of the practitioner. The practitioner had difficulty walking after that and had to either hold onto something while walking or drag himself slowly along on one leg. Whenever the family members of this practitioner visited him/her, police would always be present, to prevent the practitioner from exposing their crimes.
  2. Wu Wei kicked a senior female practitioner held in Fushun City's Forced Labor Camp in the neck, only because she tried to prevent a policeman from torturing a fellow practitioner. The older woman was kicked so hard that she fainted on the spot.

[Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province] Dafa Practitioner Mr. Tang Maolin is Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor

On December 30, 2002, some policemen, including Wang Qiang, duped Dafa practitioner Mr. Tang Maolin from Wanyuan City, who had just been released after staging a hunger strike to protest the illegal persecution, into going outside of his house and then took him to a detention center. Tang Maolin was secretly sentenced to two years forced labor.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners Liu Hailong, Wu Bilin and Yang Zhenwu

On August 2, 2002, Dafa practitioners Mr. Liu Hailong from Wuhan City escaped from court with righteous thoughts. He has since been living in exile. On the evening of January 2, 2003, he went missing when sending Teacher's new articles to some fellow practitioners. His whereabouts are unknown.

Ms. Wu Bilin had been living in exile. On December 31, 2002, police arrested her when she was fetching something from her residence.

Mr. Yang Zhenwu was sentenced to three years forced labor and had been living in exile after he got released. At the end of December 2002 police arrested him when he went back home.

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Personnel from the Street Administrative Committee of the Paoya Residence Area in Ganjingzi District Induce People to Commit Crime

A little while back, personnel from the street administrative committee of the Paoya Residential Area in the Ganjingzi District went to some people's houses to ask whether they know of any Dafa practitioners and promised to give them 1,000 Yuan once they report a practitioner. They are inducing people to commit crimes against Dafa.