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A Group Declaration From Falun Dafa Practitioners Who Were Abducted to Deyang Prison in Sichuan Province, China

January 14, 2003 |   By practitioners in Deyang Prison, in Sichuan Province, China

December 2002


To United Nations, Governments of Nations Worldwide and People from all Walks of Life:

We are Falun Dafa practitioners who have been persecuted by the Jiang regime in China, and are being illegally detained after being abducted to the Dayang Prison in Sichuan Province, China. Among us there are factory workers, farmers, students, businessmen, government officials, veterans of armed services, teachers, lawyers, engineers, university undergraduates and graduate students. We represent a broad and diverse spectrum of occupations, professions and social classes.

Falun Dafa is a cultivation practice of the highest virtue. During the time when Falun Dafa and its founder were absurdly and groundlessly persecuted and defamed, and when numerous Dafa practitioners were innocently detained, sentenced, tortured, maimed, and murdered, with a Falun Dafa practitioner's heart of honesty, kindness and great tolerance, we exercised our right to speak out, to practice our faith, to communicate and to appeal as guaranteed by China's constitution, ceaselessly telling people the truth of how Falun Dafa was being vilified, and how Dafa practitioners were being persecuted.

Yet our self-initiated, lawful and righteous acts were used by Jiang's political gang of scoundrels as unwarranted charges so as to carry out their illegal detention and sentencing of practitioners.

During our detention, while serving our sentences, the prison guards and deputies ordered torture by groups of policemen and inmates - driven by the enticement of money, fame and promotions. Examples of the torture include handcuffing, leg shackles, beating with electric and wooden batons, solitary confinement, long periods of squatting down and bending down against the corner of the wall, long durations of standing in "army corps" posture, continuous exposure to, or running long distances outside in the intense sun, dehydration, prohibition of using the rest room, sleep deprivation, prohibition of letter writing, prison visitation, and receiving money transfers, arbitrary insults and humiliation, forced feeding, and other illegal practices. At the same time they lured, enticed and coerced us to write the so-called "Guarantee Statement," [A statement to declare that he or she is remorseful for practicing Falun Gong and guarantees not to practice Falun Gong again, not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and never again associate with any Falun Dafa practitioners.] "Repentance Statement," [A statement to acknowledge remorse for practicing Falun Gong, to give up Falun Gong, and to never again associate with those practitioners who practice Falun Gong and/or go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong.] and "Expose and Criticize Statement." [A statement to reveal and criticize unfounded charges against Falun Gong.]

In order to expose the evil, clarify the truth, validate Dafa and save sentient beings, we hereby jointly make the following declarations:

1. We will not abide by any of the so-called "Guarantee Statements," "Repentance Statements," and "Expose and Criticize Statements" which we were coerced under severe persecution and torture during our illegal detention. We declare all such statements null and void.

2. We sternly denounce using the so-called "transformation" material to dupe other Dafa practitioners and to deceive people under coercion by Jiang's political gang of scoundrels.

3. We solemnly warn the participating deputies, guards of Deyang Prison, other prisons and forced labor "re-education" institutions nationwide, to awaken quickly and reclaim the basic human decency and conscience that humans should possess, recognize right from wrong, distinguish good from evil, and separate the compassionate from the hideous. Do not continue to undermine Dafa and persecute Dafa practitioners using the excuse of "carrying out orders from above" and for self-interest. Otherwise, the punishment that you will receive will be most frightening.

4. We strongly request that the Chinese government immediately release all innocent Dafa practitioners under detention and serving prison terms in Deyang Prison and elsewhere nationwide. We ask that all criminals be prosecuted to the fullest extent under the law.

5. We strongly call upon the Chinese government to reinstate the righteous name of Falun Dafa, and to restore the reputation of Falun Dafa founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi.

6. We strongly appeal to all kind and righteous people to express their concern about the blatant violation of human rights and the criminal acts of persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. Together, let us expose and stop the evil, and work towards bringing the Falun Gong issue to a fair and just resolution in the nearest foreseeable future.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the entire group of Falun Dafa practitioners abducted from their homes and being illegally held in the Deyang Prison.