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Summary of Other Articles and News - 01/10/2003

January 13, 2003 |  


Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

How I broke out of Masanjia Forced Labor Camp: In October 1999, when I was sharing experiences with fellow practitioners, vicious police in Beijing broke in and kidnapped me. I was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor and was sent to the Masanjia Female Forced Labor Camp. I was brutally tortured, physically and mentally, in this "hell on earth." In June 2000, the evil began to brainwash our determined Dafa practitioners until they would give up their belief. We were shocked with electric batons and physically tortured every day. One person who compromised with the evil against his (her) true will, said to me, "Just reform. How can you last?" I said, "I'd rather die than give in. I will never commit suicide or reform." When the 22 of us were all determined like this, the evil could not change our minds, no matter how they hit us with electric batons or tortured us. The evil was at the end of its rope. The forced attempted "reform" thus ended. [Note: The authorities use the term "reform" to mean attempts by persons following JZ's orders to force Falun Dafa practitioners to give up their belief in Falun Dafa].

The Truth and People's Heart

A village secretary has always been supportive of Dafa practitioners and said, "Ever since the persecution began, I read all Falun Gong books and truth clarification materials, and I realized that Jiang's group is truly evil and Falun Gong is being terribly wronged." Whenever there was an order from the higher government, the village secretary divulged it to Dafa practitioners. The villagers also like Dafa and actively passed around truth clarification materials. Some began Dafa cultivation because of this.

Truth About Persecution

Because we persisted in Dafa cultivation, my wife was twice arrested and sent into prison and, I was arrested once and was several times sent to a brainwashing class. In July 2000, we were sent to the Shenshan Dabachang brainwashing class. The vicious police there brutally beat practitioners for over a week; some were bleeding all over and their bodies were covered with blood and pus. They were not allowed to rest for days and nights and were forced to run, do prison exercises, walk in military formation and pull weeds under the scorching sun. The evil thugs also attempted an older woman to eat grass, and they beat her because she refused to. The practitioners were not allowed to go home until their wounds had healed, and they had to pay a "fine" or they were not allowed to leave.

News From Abroad

A letter by Falun Dafa practitioners from Canada to a judge of the Supreme Court of the People's Republic of China: "Upholding the dignity and justice of law, protecting lawful rights of the Chinese citizens, carrying out the highest judicial power as mandated by the constitution is what the people expect of the supreme court, which is also your personal responsibility and honorable duty. We are obligated to remind you that thousands and thousands of law-abiding citizens under the protection of the constitution of China, - the rights of Falun Gong practitioners, who live by Truth, Compassion, Tolerance are being completely and illegally deprived of their rights. We sincerely hope that you can look into the situation and uphold justice. Create a bright future for your family, for yourself, and for the Chinese people, since goodness will be rewarded."

Cultural Forum

Preserved physical bodies in historical Western culture: In March 2001, the present Roman Catholic Pope, John Paul, had the body of Pope John the 23rd exhumed and transferred to another site, to make it easier for pilgrims to visit. Surprisingly, although Pope John the 23rd has been dead for 37 years, his body is intact. Many bodies of people who were thought to be saints were discovered intact in medieval Britain and other places, including Cuthbert, Werburgh, Waltheof (an English Earl who died in 1076 AD) and Guthlac. In her book entitled "The Incorruptible," Joan Carroll described several similar incidents in detail. For example, the body of St. Teresa of Avila (a Spanish Catholic nun, mystic and exceptional business woman) did not decay even though it was buried in wet mud.