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Summary of Other Articles and News - 01/06/2003

January 10, 2003 |  


A Cultivator's story

Practicing Falun Dafa gave me a new life. Prior to obtaining Dafa, I suffered from various illnesses including headaches, nephritis, gastritis, neuritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and cerebral blood vessel occlusion. Medical doctors were unable to cure my illnesses, so I sought help from alternative medicine healers, but they did not help either. In June 1997, as soon as I obtained Falun Dafa, Master started purifying my body. My illnesses were thus cured. Upon learning this, all my relatives and friends started practicing Falun Dafa. In September 1997, my 14-year-old niece was knocked down by a vehicle loaded with bricks while she was riding a bicycle. The vehicle rolled over her, and the passers-by thought that she must be dead. But, she climbed out from the under the vehicle as if nothing had happened. The driver was terribly frightened. My niece and I said that Master is always looking after his practitioners and that we were fine. I gave a set of Dafa books to the driver and told the police officers that our Master taught us to always consider others. Since the driver did not intend to hit my niece, we asked the police to let him go. The driver, police officers, and passersby all said that such good people were rarely seen. I told them that it was our Master who taught us to behave this way, and that they should thank our Master.

My daughter's story. My 16-year-old daughter also studied Falun Dafa with me at one time, but she later gave it up. On May 2, 2002, my daughter suddenly became ill. She was found to have a urethral stone and severe gastritis as her stomach been badly damaged. Taking medication did not help her at all. I told my daughter about karmic retribution and said to her, "Don't worry, if you believe in Dafa, Master will take care of you." On May 5, my daughter told me while lying on the bed, "Many people are chasing me and beating me." I immediately erected my hand and sent forth righteous thoughts. After a while, my daughter said, "Mom, those people said that they were afraid of you and they left." My daughter felt more comfortable after that. On May 6, I continuously sent forth righteous thoughts. In the evening, my daughter was frightened as she woke up. She felt pain in her stomach again. She said that a great number of people, all skeletons, had used axes to attack her. My daughter and I recited Master's Fa-rectification verses together. My daughter said, "As we're reciting, those skeletons are collapsing." Soon, my daughter recovered. Shortly after, she saw Master's Fashen and she assured Master, "I will seriously practice Falun Gong."

Practitioners Exchange Insights

My experience of using music to validate Dafa and clarify the truth. Every practitioner's articles, artistic creations, musical performances, or singing and dancing, as long as they are done in a pure, calm, and serene state, will be able to play different roles in suppressing the evil in other dimensions. In ancient times, music was used to glorify Gods and Buddhas, and one had to have a virtuous and calm heart before playing the music. Only when one maintains righteous thoughts with a clear and serene mind, can one's performance achieve the best true, harmonious musical state. Any single Fa-rectification work, any single effort to validate Dafa, is an issue of one's heart rather than something on the surface. It is not so important for the superficial best solution, what matters is that one can calmly face himself truly and cultivate.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

Walking out of the forced-labor camp openly and nobly (2). Practice shows that as long as we follow Teacher's direction, listen to Teacher, and keep our hearts on the Fa, we are able to break any of the old force's evil arrangements. I understand that under the special circumstance of being illegally imprisoned and persecuted, Dafa disciples can go on hunger strikes to safeguard Dafa, resist the evil, and reduce or eliminate the persecution. In addition, under Teacher's compassionate protection, we would not encounter any problems. The reason I was able to walk out of the forced-labor camp openly and nobly is because of Teacher's mighty virtue and Dafa's boundless power.

Truth and People's Hearts

After July 20, 1999, my family members were deceived by the propaganda. I phoned them and read aloud Teacher's foreword to Zhuan Falun, Lunyu and Lecture One of Zhuan Falun. My parents felt very good. On the second evening, I read the second lecture to them. This way, I read the whole book of Zhuan Falun to my parents over the phone, even though we were in different countries.

Facts of the Persecution

The detention centers in Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province have unlawfully imprisoned more than 20 Dafa practitioners for a long period of time. They detained these practitioners in two detention centers for as long as one year. The detention center in the south has very bad living conditions. The police prohibit practitioners from opening the windows during the daytime, but they open the windows at night to torture the practitioners with the cold. Practitioners Mr. Wu Yongxiang and Yang Hailin were shackled together for as long as 7 days. During the 16th Party Congress, some practitioners went on a group hunger strike to oppose the persecution. Due to the long duration of the hunger strike, some practitioners had to be hospitalized. The vicious police officers forcibly fed Ms. Yu Fengying and Ms. Yang Hailing a mixture of mustard oil, water, and hot pepper. They even used needles to prick the practitioners' skin and used metal chairs to strike the practitioners.

News from China

After July 20, 1999, because of my attachment of fear, I wrote a "statement guaranteeing not to practice Falun Gong" against my will. However, the police still often came to my home and harassed me. They even arranged for my neighbors to watch me. Why wouldn't my "guarantee statement" work? One day, I suddenly understood: It is because our benevolent and great Master still gives me, this unworthy disciple, an opportunity to reposition myself! On that day, they once again tried to force me to write a "guarantee statement." I resolutely and decisively refused them. From then on, they no longer came to trouble me.