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An Urgent Message to Jiang Zemin, Leader of Chinese Communist Regime -- "Stop Human Rights Atrocities Now"

September 25, 2002 |  

A Public Rally

Tuesday, October 8, 2002

12:00 -- 2:00 PM

West of the Capitol Hill Reflecting Pool, Washington, DC

On Tuesday, October 8, 2002, at 12:00 -- 2:00 p.m. in Washington, DC, a diverse coalition of non-governmental human rights, religious freedom, and women's organizations, labor unions, and student groups will hold a rally to focus attention on human rights atrocities in China and to protest Chinese Communist leader Jiang Zemin's upcoming visit to the United States in October. Freedom House is coordinating the event. Members of Congress, celebrities, and leaders of non-governmental organizations will speak out at the rally.

Purpose of the rally:

The protection of fundamental human rights is the single most important issue facing the world. Each of us has a role to play in safeguarding the dignity of individuals as well as their fundamental human rights and freedom of belief. Please join us on October 8th. Your input welcome!


Freedom House, Amnesty International, National Organization for Women, Friends of Falun Gong


Family Research Council, Laogai Research Foundation, Institute on Religion and Public Policy, World Organization Against Torture USA

Invited Participants:

Members of Congress: Tom Lantos, Chris Smith, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Lynn Woolsey, Benjamin Gilman, and many more

Others: Human Rights Watch, Hudson Institute, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, The Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition, Human Rights Watch - China, International Campaign For Tibet, Uyghur American Association, Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington (IFC), World Service Authority, Free China Movement, Rainbow/Push, AFL-CIO, Brotherhood of Teamsters, International Association of Sheet Metal Workers, UNITE, PACE, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, United Steelworkers in America, HERE Union

For more info or to participate: Lee 202-285-7675 or Judy 301-490-8038, PublicRally@yahoo.com