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Strengthening Righteous Thoughts, Walking Out of Prison

August 04, 2002 |   By a Dafa disciple from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Because of the Jiang regime's persecution, I have been destitute and homeless for more than one year. During this period, persons from the police department, the local police station, "610 Office" [An agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] and my work unit spent a lot of money and sent many people to look for me. In April 2002 I was arrested, brought back from out of town and illegally detained. During the entire imprisonment, regardless of where I was, I refused to cooperate with any vicious requests and orders. In every interrogation, except to clarify the truth to them, I never said or signed a single word about myself. No matter what kind of methods they adopted, they could not get what they wanted. After three days, they never interrogated me again.

The same day I was detained I started a hunger strike to protest. On the sixth day they force-fed me and another practitioner who was also locked in my cell. When this practitioner resisted, policemen hit her head against the wall. Then they barbarically pushed and held her down on the bed and forcefully inserted a tube to force-feed her. I resisted their savage and cruel torture. They repeatedly kicked and beat me, and then pushed and held me down on the bed to force-feed me. After that, they put shackles and handcuffs on my feet and hands, locked them together and threw me back into the detention center.

Afterwards, the inmates and police daily dragged me to the hospital and back to the detention center to force-feed me or give me an intravenous injection. Each time I was being force-fed I would send forth righteous thoughts to resist, and hold my breath to prevent the tube from being inserted. Once I was almost out of breath. Every force-feeding was a painful process. I clearly knew that if I cooperated with the force-feeding I would not have to suffer such excruciating pain. But being a Dafa practitioner, to validate Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, to clarify the truth, I must do what I should do.

During the first several days, two police officers grabbed one of my hands on each side and dragged me along the ground to the hospital. Both my pants and underwear were worn through. Although I did not care about the pain and humiliation, I enlightened that Dafa is dignified. They should not treat me like this. Therefore, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evils manipulating the police in other dimensions. Meanwhile, I used kind-hearted words to advise them. After that time, they used a stretcher to carry me to the hospital. Obviously, the evils had been eliminated a great deal.

In the cells, some criminals had met many Dafa practitioners before. They know that Dafa is good, and can recite Hong Yin [Teacher's poem collection]. They understand some truth. After I went on the hunger strike, guards refused to sell them daily necessities, using the excuse that they failed to stop my hunger strike. When I lost consciousness because of force-feeding, they were asked to take turns to look after me, day and night. The guards also ordered them to carry me back and forth daily to be force-fed. When their personal benefits were being challenged, some of the inmates began to swear at me. Seeing this, I felt sad. On the one hand, I eliminated the evils in other dimensions that were manipulating them. On the other, I explained to them why I went on the hunger strike, what was truly good for them, and persuaded them not to be perplexed by the superficial phenomena, or be affected by the present circumstances. With the pure compassion cultivated from Dafa, I told them in tears, "Even though you do not totally understand my behavior, you understand Dafa after all and know that Dafa is good. Keep this thought in mind. Be truly responsible for yourself and be kind to Dafa practitioners. You will be able to have a glorious future." My sincerity awakened their compassion. They no longer scolded me. Instead, each time they carried me back, they would wipe the dirt off my body. They also took care of my daily routines. Some inmates told me, "I understand you. From the bottom of my heart, I know why you do such things. I am eager to read Zhuan Falun."

On the fifteenth day in the detention center, police sent me to the local police hospital. Policemen cuffed my hands and feet to the bed all day. I had to empty my bowels and bladder on the bed. My left wrist lost all feeling because of the cuffing. As I could not move for a long time, my entire spine, waist, and arms were all very painful. In addition to the nausea and dizziness due to the hunger strike, I couldn't sleep all night, which directly affected my sending forth righteous thoughts and reciting the Fa. I realized that it was the evil force's persecution of my flesh body. I should not passively endure this kind of suffering which I should not have to endure. Therefore, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evils behind it. The pain declined noticeably. One day, while I was half asleep, I felt my body very comfortable and my hands came out of the handcuffs. The handcuffs seemed like they were made of plasticine, which could be manipulated at will. After I woke up, I knew Master was prompting me that I should strengthen my righteous thoughts and the evils would not be able to cuff me.

They inserted nasal tubes into all the Dafa practitioners who went on hunger strike, and they were kept in place for a long time. The tube was not removed after the forced-feeding. It was very difficult to breathe and talk. When I saw this persecution to Dafa practitioners, I had one thought: I would definitely not allow them to insert the tube in me. I would not eat, neither would I take the food they gave me. The doctors and nurses tried three times to insert the tube. They said, "Whoever is on a hunger strike has to have a tube inserted. No exceptions." I thought that I must walk straightly on my path of Fa rectification and become the exception. I resisted their efforts with righteous thoughts. They didn't succeed, and then they had to give up. At the same time I used righteous thoughts to eliminate the evils behind the hospital staff in other dimensions to make them unable to remember to insert a tube in me. In this way, I was the only one in the Police Hospital who did not have a tube inserted, although I was on a hunger strike.

In the detention center, guards ordered the prisoners and Dafa practitioners to handcuff themselves to the bed before going to sleep. They then used the key to lock it. During the daytime, prisoners and practitioners must also use the shackle to cuff their feet after using the toilet. When I saw fellow practitioners cuffing themselves everyday, I felt bad. I decided to use my influence to awaken fellow practitioners, to resist the evil persecution together and steadfastly safeguard Dafa. I persisted everyday, not cuffing myself, and used powerful righteous thoughts to eliminate the evils in other dimensions that attempted to damage Dafa here. Guards could do nothing to me. Even though when they cuffed me and put the lock on, they shouted loudly, "Tomorrow I am not going to open the lock for you again." However, the next day, they unlocked it for me again. When I came back from the toilet I didn't cuff myself either. When fellow practitioners saw this, they were moved. I told them, "We should not cuff ourselves. Teacher told us, 'No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil's demands, orders, or what it instigates. If everyone does this, the environment won't be this way.' ("Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful") What should Dafa disciples do? We should rectify everything that is not righteous. We should not admit this persecution." From then on, several practitioners in the room resisted the evil together, and didn't listen to the order of the thugs, even though guards kept cuffing us to the beds. They wouldn't unlock the cuffs for us for several days or even for a week, and we had to release both our stool and urine in bed. However, we still insisted on not wearing the handcuffs and calmly faced all these trials. We realized the greatness of Dafa particles. At the same time, we sent forth-righteous thoughts together to eliminate the evils behind the guards in other dimensions, and we did not endure what we should not endure. Some guards appeared to be very vicious at the beginning, but on the second day, they seemed to turn into different persons; they unlocked the handcuffs for me and their attitude also became better.

In the process of Fa-rectification we felt the power of Fa, the effects of righteous thought and the mercy from Master. No matter where I was, in the detention center or the police hospital, which were full of the vicious factors, I was not lax but strict with myself; however, many impure ideas always came up. The pursuit of comfort, mundane thoughts, the desire for food after a long-time hunger strike often came to me. I constantly sent forth righteous thought to eliminate them and recited one after another of Master's articles, " Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciples," "Path," "Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful," "Dafa is Indestructible," "Expounding on the Fa," "The Disciples' Magnificence," (Essentials for Further Advancement II) and "Lunyu," as well as some short articles Master published recently. Besides these, every night when all was quiet, I looked inside myself and corrected my own problems, using Fa principles to eliminate the deviated concepts in my mind, purify myself, and stabilize my righteous belief, righteous enlightenment and righteous thoughts toward Dafa. I realized that it is critically important for Dafa disciples to be determined in Dafa during suffering, under the interference of thought karma and many everyday people's attachments. Facing this complex environment, Dafa disciples should keep righteous thoughts, righteous enlightenment, and righteous actions cultivated from Dafa. We must demand from ourselves to totally conduct our lives according to Dafa and use righteous thoughts to eliminate all wrong things. When we truly achieve this, the environment will definitely become better.

On the 17th day in the police hospital, the local policemen came to pick me up. I was told I would be released back home. Nevertheless, I was sent to a local hotel. Later I heard that people from my work unit and people from the "610 Office" discussed and decided to rent three suites. The director of the "610 Office" ordered a gang of collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] whom I knew before to brainwash me. At that time I had been on a hunger strike for 31 days. I could not walk. Every day I had to lie in bed and was surrounded by several collaborators. They kept persuading me to eat, massaged my whole body from time to time, said some touching words with tears in their eyes, spoke some self-deceiving lies, and in turn told me their betrayal process. Every day there was a so-called "reading and sharing experiences together." Looking at their self-deceiving behavior, my heart was aching. Each day, the moment they surrounded me, was the moment for me to send forth righteous thoughts, the moment for me to eliminate the evils that manipulated them, the moment to destroy all the information they sent out with my righteous thoughts and supernormal abilities. Thus, I totally denied their influence. When they were reading, I recited Master's articles and sent forth righteous thoughts. At first I could hear a few words of their reading, then I could hear nothing and even fell asleep.

On seeing I still persisted on the hunger strike, the man who was in charge of the brainwashing class threatened me, "If you don't eat and cannot be transformed, you will be sent back to the police hospital or the detention center." "The fellow practitioners from other areas were arrested and they confessed. If policemen from other areas would come to arrest you and you are still not transformed, we have no alternative." They even brought my family in an attempt to sway me. I clearly saw through their every action. No matter what they tried, everything depended on whether or not my heart would be moved. If my heart was not moved you could not influence me, because it is the universal principle that controls everything. I enlightened to Master Li's words, "Having your heart unaffected you will be able to handle all situations."("Eliminate Your Last Attachments", from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

In the meantime, with Master's help, I enlightened that I should leave. At that time I was on the 34th day of the hunger strike and had been unable to walk for more than twenty days, but I believed that I definitely could walk out openly and with dignity. Around 2:00 a.m, I first sent forth righteous thought to eliminate the evil in this environment and behind these people and stabilized my heart. Then I went successfully out of the room. When I went out the front door, the security person only commented, "You are going out?" I nodded and went directly out. After I went out I walked like a toddling child. I thought, "I have an Indestructible Diamond Body." I should not have any everyday person's notion or concept. I must walk out of this area before dawn. Thereafter, my steps became much lighter. It only took me five hours to walk 25 kilometers [about 16 miles]. I realized that Master strengthened and protected me all along the way. In the morning I felt hungry. The fresh leaves of mulberry on the roadside were my breakfast. I did my best to keep walking and did not sit down for a rest. I was really exhausted at noon, and felt thirsty, hungry and hot. With no money, all I could do was ask for water to drink along the way. In this way, I walked 11 hours away from the evil den and melted once again into the mighty current of Fa-rectification.

July 26, 2002