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Atrocities Committed at the Qiaokou Brainwahing Class in Wuhan City, Hubei Province

August 30, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Over the past two years, hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners have been abducted and taken to the Qiaokou Brainwashing Class in Wuhan City. Workers in the brainwashing class have continuously coerced, threatened, and tortured practitioners in order to try and force them to give up their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Between June 10 and July 25 of this year alone, about 20 practitioners have been illegally detained in the class. To try and achieve their goal, the lawless officials now resort to even more vicious means to persecute the practitioners:

  1. Further depriving practitioners of their personal freedom: Each practitioner was put under 24-hour surveillance by 2 to 3 workers, even when they went to the bathroom or bathed.
  2. Psychologically torturing practitioners with sleep deprivation: They limited each practitioner's sleep time to 4 hours every night (2:00am -- 6:00am). Brainwashing workers would then spread vicious lies to the practitioners all day long and would also bring in those who had given up their belief in Dafa and enlightened along an evil path to jointly attack the practitioners. Sometimes, they didn't allow the practitioners to sleep at all, which was very stressful for some.
  3. Physical torture: They would physically torture practitioners who did not give into the brainwashing and held firm to their belief in Falun Dafa. Even elderly women fifty to sixty years old were not spared. With their hands tied behind their backs, they were forced to stand on a piece of grassland under the baking sun for eight days and eight nights. Each night, the suffering from the biting mosquitoes was tremendous. If they began to fall asleep, the brainwashing workers would reprimand them physically and verbally to keep them awake.
  4. Threatening: The brainwashing workers threatened the practitioners that if they didn't give up their beliefs, they would be sentenced without trial to the Shayang Forced Labor Camp.
  5. Economic Persecution: The living standard of the practitioners in the brainwashing class was even lower than that of the other prisoners. Despite this, the brainwashing workers forced each practitioner's work unit or family to pay very high living expenses of 5,000 to 6,000 Yuan per practitioner. This amount is equivalent to one year's salary for a middle-class worker.
  6. The "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems) praised the brainwashing workers and encouraged them to persecute the practitioners even more cruelly.

In addition, according to news from the inside, the "610 Office" of Qiaokou District is planning on holding another brainwashing class in the near future. They have already determined the number of practitioners who will be abducted, and will focus their efforts on those practitioners who refused to give up or compromise their beliefs in brainwashing classes or forced labor camps in the past.

Fellow practitioners, while you solidly cultivate and become mature, please keep sending forth righteous thoughts to break through the old forces' arrangements and clear away the evil factors in other dimensions that correspond to the brainwashing class.