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Congressman Tom Lantos' Representative: We "remain committed to highlighting the issue of the persecution of the Falun Gong in China and abroad"

August 03, 2002 |   Maryamu Aminu

July 23, 2002

[Editor's note: For the sake of accuracy, we must point out that the persecution of Falun Gong does not reflect the will of the Chinese people as a whole, or even the will of the entire Chinese government, as many high ranking officials are opposed to the persecution. Jiang Zemin and a few of his political henchmen are totally responsible for this attempt to eliminate a group of people based on their spiritual beliefs.]

My name is Marianna and I work in the office of Congressman Tom Lantos and the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. Mr. Lantos sends his regrets today. He is unable to be here with you but he is here in spirit. And he sends you his greetings and expresses his strong support for your cause. As co-chairman of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus and a proud co-sponsor of House Concurrent Resolution 188, Mr. Lantos and many of his colleagues have long denounced the despicable and unjust treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in the People's Republic of China. While Falun Gong as a movement was almost unknown to Americans only a few years ago, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus was the first congressional forum in which Falun Gong practitioners came and discussed their peaceful meditation system and shared information regarding arrested family members and gave reports of mistreatment, rape, and torture in prison, which has resulted in more than 400 deaths so far. Particularly we are aware that women practitioners are singled out for sexual harassment, torture, and rape. In addition, the People's Republic of China has embarked on an intense media campaign, both in China and abroad, to defame Falun Gong [...], thereby designating Falun Gong to a particularly harsh treatment [...], Through the 610 Offices the Chinese government has conducted a persecution of Falun Gong members through organized brainwashing, torture, and murder. The PRC's targeting of Falun Gong as a global movement has not ended on one front. Here in America, lawsuits have been filed claiming that PRC's Embassies and Consulates here in America have been targeted for harassment. Even government officials in the United States have become targets of China's campaign. On the 11th of July 2002, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, chaired by Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, heard testimony from Mr. Stan Bogosian, a Saratoga councilman and former mayor of Saratoga, and Mr. Sheldon Leffler, a board member of the supervisors of San Francisco, California, and Mr. Chris Dally, former councilman of New York City in the Queens area. All these local officials gave eloquent testimonies concerning the on-going campaign of pressure on mayors and councilmen here in the United States to revoke proclamations praising the Falun Gong movement.

It is very important that the U.S. Congress strongly condemn such outrageous behavior and stand with local officials and with the practitioners of the Falun Gong. Mr. Lantos and Congressional Human Rights Caucus remain committed to highlighting the issue of the persecution of the Falun Gong in China and abroad and remain committed to fighting for your freedom of religion and expression. Thank you and best wishes.