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Police Kidnap Beijing Pinggu Practitioner Zhang Jiuhai Again

August 28, 2002 |  


Zhang Jiuhai of Liudian Town, Pinggu District, Pinggu County, Beijing, steadfastly practices Falun Dafa. Jiang and his regime have been persecuting him for over three years. We hope that kindhearted people will pay attention to his situation.

Zhang Jiuhai, a 35-year-old male, has appealed for Falun Dafa on numerous occasions since July 20, 1999, and the police have illegally detained him many times.

In August of 2000, he was sent to the Tuanhe Labor Camp for a year. During that time he was brutally tortured (for more details see:Steadfast Dafa Practitioners Persevere Despite Brutal Persecution at Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp (Part II) ). Because he refused to give up his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance [the principles of Falun Dafa], the authorities decided to illegally prolong his detention for another six months.

In April of 2002, the Haidian Police Division illegally arrested him, and threatened him with electric batons. Zhang went on a hunger strike, and was released because his life became endangered.

On August 6, 2002, the police kidnapped Zhang again. This time they are keeping him in the Pinggu County brainwashing center in the eastern wing of the City Hall of Hanzhuang Town, Pinggu County.

Before he was kidnapped again, Zhang had left his home in order to resist the evil persecution. Jiang's evil regime continued to relentlessly harass and persecute his family members.

The following are the facts detailing how local scoundrels are persecuting Zhang Jiuhai's family:

April 11: Zhang Baocai (Liudian Town, Pinggu County's Martial Unit leader -- he's responsible for persecuting Falun Gong) and other officers went to Zhang Jiuhai's home to harass the residents.

April 30: In the morning, Zhang Baocai went to their house again.

April 17: Haidian Police Division and Town Defense Unit's officer Gong Zhijun went to his house to harass the family.

May 11: Liudian Town Police Station took Zhang Jiuhai's father to the office and threatened him for half a day.

June 18: Policeman Zhang Yanbin went to Zhang Jiuhai's house to harass the family. He took away a copy of Zhuan Falun.

July 18: Liudian Police Station Chief, Li Jun, of Pinggu County, Vice Station Chief Li Hongwen, policeman Zhang Yanbin and Town Defense Unit's Gong Baishan, and others totaling a dozen or so people, drove two vehicles and went to Zhang Jiuhai's house around 9 p.m. Without displaying any identification, they started to ransack the home. They then arrested Zhang's father and held him at the police station for over two hours.

We hope that kind people everywhere will pay attention to Zhang Jiuhai and his family's situation, and together help stop this persecution against the innocent.

Phone numbers:

Liudian Town Police Station, Pinggu County (office number): 86-10-61971141

Vice Police Chief: Li Hongwen (home number): 86-10-89986578