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Falun Gong Practitioner Mo Xiaoyan Brutally Persecuted in the Hunan Women's Prison

August 28, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) At the end of June 2002, a meeting was held in the Hunan Women's Prison, to denounce Falun Gong. In that meeting, dozens of women, all Falun Gong practitioners, stood up to protest the slander against Falun Gong. At the same time, they clarified the truth by speaking out to the over two thousands prisoners present at the meeting. Almost as soon as they began to speak, the guards violently dragged them away from the auditorium and cruelly beat the practitioners until blood dripped from all over their bodies. The police also handcuffed four practitioners, Zhang Yaya (63 years old), Yan Hong, He Lili, Liu Daju, and locked them up in a small cell. Practitioner Yan Hong is still detained in the cell and has been suffering for over a month.

This March, the prison established an "education-and-transformation" team, which was in reality a brainwashing class where Falun Gong practitioners were monitored by prisoners following orders from the guards. It was very common for the prisoners to beat the practitioners in the class. What's even worse was that the prison guards shocked practitioners with electric batons at will and escalated their efforts to persecute them.

This June, a report was posted on Clearwisdom.net, which exposed the severe persecution Mo Xiaoyan experienced while she was illegally detained in the Seventh Squad of the Hunan Women's Prison. (For the relevant report, please see http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/6/9/22935.html) She continues receive persecution to this day! Because she refused to wear the prison uniform, Mo Xiaoyan was put into a small cell, without light, for seven days. The police did not allow her to take a bath, and seven days later, they handcuffed her hands behind her back for another three days. Since she had refused to wear the uniform, they also confiscated all of her clothes; moreover, police officer Dong Chen tore the clothes she was wearing. The police also took away all the things delivered by her family and also the money she had for living necessities. They even claimed, "No one is allowed to give Mo Xiaoyan a pen and paper; no one is allowed to speak to her or help her."

Policewoman Han Lihua dutifully persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. She openly ordered the prisoners to "beat Mo Xiaoyan if she is not obedient." Therefore, Zen Wenmin, Wu E and other prisoners often beat and assaulted her. They did not give her food, and even grabbed her head and hit it against the wall. Once, several prisoners forced Mo Xiaoyan to stand in place for a long time, who then opposed their unreasonable demand by doing the sitting meditation. Han Lihua kicked her legs severely for twenty minutes, by which time both of Mo's legs became numb. At the same time, Han brutally hit her face and body. Mo wasn't disturbed by this and kept meditating. Han became flustered, so she used a rope tie Mo's legs, handcuffing her hands behind her back and making her unable to move at all. That was really painful. Mo was in this condition for two days, but she did not give in and shouted "Falun Dafa is good." Policewoman Han violently grabbed her mouth, leaving three bloodstains on her face.

Zhao Lan, the Vice Director of the prison, personally insulted her with dirty language. She also ordered policewoman Dong Chen to force Mo to go to the Shashi City Psychiatric Hospital and take an 'examination'. Although the entire check-up showed she was normal, Zhao spread rumors that Mo had intermittent insanity.

Recently, another shocking piece of news was heard, claiming that Mo attempted to commit suicide by jumping from a building. The details of the incident are not available, and additionally, the prison carefully reported the news. We suspect there is some inside story behind the incident. We are waiting for a further investigation.

Partial list of phone numbers of the Hunan Women's Prison:

Education Section: 0731-5672716

Office of the Director of the Hunan Women's Prison (Zhao Lan): 0731-5672704

By A Mainland Practitioner

August 18, 2002