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Germany: Berlin Falun Gong Practitioners Send Truth Clarifying Materials To Nearly 140 Foreign Embassies

August 26, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Regarding the situation of Hong Kong Police unreasonably trying Falun Gong Practitioners due to pressure from Beijing, Berlin Falun Gong Practitioners wrote letters to the various Ambassadors stationed at Germany, bringing to the attention of the various nations' governments the Hong Kong case on the 9th August. Additionally they sent out materials regarding the Hong Kong case, Jiang Zemin regime's persecution of Falun Gong and the international community's support of Falun Gong to the 140 Embassies and Consulates in Germany.

The letter narrated the background, proceedings, and the development of the "political law suit" and pointed out that it can be easily seen that Jiang is the mastermind behind the scene, having the objective of defaming Falun Gong.

Berlin's Falun Gong Practitioners requested the various Ambassadors to pass the truth-clarifying materials on to their respective governments. Additionally they appealed to the governments of various nations to offer assistance as far as possible to stop China's persecution of thousands of Falun Gong Practitioners. Together with the letter, the practitioners also sent out VCDS regarding the suppression and the truth of self-immolation.

(From an edited version of: http://clearharmony.net/articles/6542.html)