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Walking Out of a Detention Center With Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

August 23, 2002 |  


I am a barber and have my own shop.

Around 4:00p.m. on July 11, 2002, I was clarifying the truth while working. A police car stopped in front of the door and three policemen rushed in. They were not wearing their uniforms. One of them cuffed me as soon as he got in. I only had one thought at that moment: I am a Dafa practitioner, and exposing evil and telling the truth are what I should do. So I called out, "Help, the police are kidnapping Falun Gong practitioners! Falun Dafa is good! 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' is the sole criterion to discern good and bad people!" I struggled to free one hand to grasp the Dafa book that was taken by the police. "This is a book teaching people to be a good person! You can't take it away!" My shouts scared the police. They forcefully dragged me out of the shop. I told the police, "Wake up! People know Dafa is good. Don't do the things to accumulate more karma! Come and see what the evil deed the police are doing!" Many people gathered and stood in front of the door and said that I was a good person. The policemen stuck a towel into my mouth. I knew that every word I called out is "God's Thunder." The policemen kept saying, "We don't want to hear! Headache!" They took me hastily into the car and left to get away from the voice of public condemnation.

I quickly looked inside myself to find my own omissions and correct myself. I realized that I was not calm when studying the Fa recently. I was annoyed when customers came at the top of each hour when it was time to send forth righteous thoughts. I didn't realize this was caused by my own omission, and thus I was not "kind to all sentient beings." Once I found my problems, I decided to correct them immediately. At this time the police took off my handcuffs and let me sit on the seat. I kept clarifying the truth to them. The car stopped in front of the Police Department. They dragged me out of the car. I shouted, "The police are violating the law in the name of following them. Your illegal kidnapping is no different from the action of bandits. Falun Dafa is good!" The policemen started to brutally beat me. My mouth was full of blood. I spit the blood out and kept shouting. The policemen dragged me to the 8th floor. I questioned them, "Why do you kidnap a good person? Let me go!" "I heard that the police beat Chen Zixiu, Xu Bing, Guo Ping to death. So many kind people have been tortured to death, haven't they?" The police walked away after hearing this. After a while the police said they would lock me in the basement for five days first. With firm righteous thought, I believed no one could detain me anywhere. I clarified the truth whenever I met someone. They were willing to listen to me but when someone else came, they were afraid and ran away. I recited, "Foretelling the Fa's Rectification of the Human World," "The Blessings from Dafa," and "Lunyu." I sang the songs "Be Saved" and "Falun Dafa is Good." My voice was very loud because I wanted everyone to hear.

A man came to interrogate me, and he asked me to come over. I didn't cooperate. He said, "Today I interrogate you, understand?" I answered, "No, I shall interrogate YOU. You know Falun Dafa is good but still do the evil things. Please don't be an evil policeman. Be a kind person!" He was shocked and looked at me and did not say anything. Then he asked me my name and address. I didn't cooperate. He picked up a stool to beat me. I told to him, "Put it down! Look at how evil you look! Are you human?" He put it down. After he finished writing my interrogation statement, he asked me to sign it. I tore it into pieces. He was angry and picked up the stool again to beat me. I looked directly into his eyes, "Could you change the hearts of human beings? Put that stool back where it belongs. You don't have the right to persecute me." He put it down and wrote "shook head and refused to sign" on another piece of paper and reported to his supervisor.

The policemen who guarded me heard my words and saw my actions. They unlocked my handcuffs. Looking at them, mercy rose from the bottom of my heart, I told them, "Please remember 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.' You will be rewarded for your good deeds." They nodded. As soon as my cuffs were unlocked, a man from upstairs told them to send me to a detention center. I sent forth righteous thoughts at every moment. I am a disciple of Master and should not be kept here.

The detention center sent a car to take me. I was cuffed on a big stool in the duty office at the detention center and there were eight people watching me. They babbled some dirty words and wanted to argue with me. So I clarified the truth to them and sent forth righteous thoughts at the top of each hour. I told them there would be broadcast of Falun Dafa radio at 6:15p.m. They tuned to that frequency and left two criminals to watch me. Shortly after, the two criminals went away too. There were only two people on duty left in the room. I did not move and kept sending forth righteous thoughts quietly. At 6:00pm, when Dafa practitioners all over the world sent forth righteous thoughts, I asked in my heart for Master to help me. The cuffs loosened quietly and the two guards on duty fell asleep. All the doors opened for me! A bus stopped for me. The driver said, "You are not a passenger, but neither are you a bad person. You can take a taxi two blocks ahead." The warm-hearted driver took me two blocks and dropped me off. I told him that Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa. Like this, I walked out of the detention center gracefully and righteously.