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Policemen in Jinmen City, Hubei Province Brutally Torture Falun Gong Practitioners and Their Families

August 23, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) To clarify the truth to more people, local Falun Gong practitioners often hang banners and distribute Dafa truth-clarifying materials in busy areas in Jinmen City, Hubei Province.

Since his promotion to bureau chief officer of Jinmen City Hubei Province, Li Jianzhong has launched large-scale raids and organized many armed joint defense and patrol units to comb the mountainous countryside and the streets and lanes of the city. He has sent plainclothes police to monitor and follow Falun Gong practitioners, and ordered all companies and residents' committees to hire retired or unemployed people, even local ruffians, to monitor, follow and capture all Falun Gong practitioners. Chen Yonggui, municipal party committee secretary has vehemently supported the severe attack on Falun Gong in many municipal meetings. He also told an attendee of the meeting: "You can break his legs if you see Falun Gong delivering truth-clarifying materials or hanging banners. Those who refuse to be transformed can be fired, or if they are peddlers, refused business permits."

One day in early July 2002, Falun Gong practitioner Zhou Fengying was captured while she was delivering Dafa truth-clarifying materials and turned in by local ruffians. The police illegally searched her home and found many Dafa truth-clarifying materials. In order to find out who was supplying the materials, policemen in Longquan Police Station teamed up with Bi Xiangyin and Xu Yue of the Country Security Department in Dongbao Police Station to torture her son (a non-practitioner) by hanging him up. They handcuffed his hands and brutally tortured him for one day and night. Her son could not bear the torture and told them a few of the practitioners' names that had been to her home. As a result practitioners were illegally arrested, among them Zhou Ping, Lu Keqing and Shao Daicui. Zhou Fengying and Shao Daicui could not bear the persecution, and turned in the names of Lai and Xu Ping.

Around the same time, Falun Gong practitioners Zhang Guangjie, Cai Yuhua and Liu Juxian had recently been released from jail and were illegally arrested again and detained in No. 1 detention center. Illegally sentenced Dafa practitioners Li Jiliang and Huang Zhaoxin will be interrogated next week. I hope fellow practitioners can bring this to the attention of others, and send righteous thoughts every day to eliminate the evil in other dimensions that damage Dafa in Jinmen District.

I hope all people can uphold justice in good conscience in regards to the persecution of Falun Gong, and build a wonderful foundation for the future of your families and yourselves.