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Practitioners From Zhejiang And Sichuan Provinces Congratulate the Official Establishment of the Venezuela Falun Dafa Academic Society

August 20, 2002 |  


Dafa practitioners from Zhejiang province congratulate the official establishment of the Venezuela Falun Dafa Academic Society.

Hearing the news of the official establishment of the Venezuela Falun Dafa Academic Society, we know [your activities] will be like the spring flowers blossoming all over the world. Dafa practitioners in Mainland China hope that Venezuela Dafa practitioners will help more people understand the truth of Falun Dafa.

Zhejiang Dafa practitioners on August 9, 2002


Dafa practitioners in Sichuan province warmly congratulate the official establishment of the Venezuela Falun Dafa Academic society.

We are as one whole body regardless of whether we are in China or overseas. Doing our best on our path, let all the good people in the world understand the truth of Falun Gong. Let's do what Dafa practitioners should do and be proud of the title of Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples.

Sichuan Dafa practitioners on August 9, 2002