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China Times Daily (Taiwan): Taipei Mayoral Candidate Offers His Prayers For Falun Gong Practitioners

August 02, 2002 |  


(July 21, translated and summarized from China Times Daily, Report from Taipei) Li Yinyuan, a mayoral candidate in Taipei, spoke at a memorial ceremony that marked the third anniversary of the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong. He pointed out that since the Chinese Government began its violent persecution of Falun Gong, unarmed, kindhearted practitioners have suffered cruel torture.

Mr. Li Yinyuan's speech called upon people to not turn a blind eye to the persecution of human rights. He also stated that by getting support from others, people gain protection from human rights abuses. Using Taiwan as an example, he reminded everyone that the human rights enjoyed in Taiwan today result from the sacrifices that many people made in the past.

Mr. Li Yinyuan sends his prayers to all Falun Gong practitioners, who suffer cruel persecution because they believe in the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. He called on all the forces supporting Falun Gong to band together, so that human rights may prevail on earth.