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Spreading the Fa in Southern Thailand

August 16, 2002 |   By A Dafa Practitioner in Thailand


July 23, 2002

At the request from the host of an event designed to promote fellowship, we traveled to Southern Thailand to spread the Fa. When we arrived at the location, we immediately began to decorate our booth for the event that would take place that evening. On the wall we posted large Falun Gong posters and photographs of Falun Dafa worldwide activities, and on the table we neatly displayed Dafa books, Falun Gong exercise instructional VCDs, Falun Gong brochures, and various Dafa information sheets.

That evening, we were invited to the stage to introduce Falun Gong to the attendees. A practitioner introduced Falun Dafa to the audience, and explained the importance of cultivating one's mind according to the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. After the speech, many audience members immediately realized and accepted the truth of Falun Gong. Next we demonstrated the five Falun Gong exercises. Seven or eight attendees immediately started to learn Falun Gong by imitating our movements during the exercise demonstration. Afterwards, the host came by to express his gratitude for our contribution to the event. "Falun Gong is a peaceful exercise. We ought to promote Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance in society," the host declared. The host issued Falun Gong a proclamation of honor, and asked to be in the photographs with Falun Gong practitioners.

July 26, 2002

Since we are already in Southern Thailand, we thought we'd spread the Fa to the public as well. In the morning we went to the beach, where we demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises, and distributed truth-clarification flyers to each and every person passing by. Two young women photographed us during the exercise demonstration. They complimented practitioners on the grace and beauty of the Falun Gong exercise movements, as well as our compassion toward people in Thailand by traveling all the way there to spread Falun Dafa.

During the trip, some practitioners wore T-shirts that said, "Falun Dafa" or "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance." Some wore buttons that said, "Falun Dafa Is Good." We distributed Falun Dafa brochures and truth-clarification flyers when we were in grocery stores, on the streets, on a ferry, and everywhere else we visited. We never missed an opportunity to clarify the truth to people in Thailand. During the trip we constantly studied the Fa together, and shared our thoughts and experiences of the trip. I truly feel I have advanced in the Fa during the trip to Southern Thailand, and that doing Fa-rectification work has been tremendously rewarding to my personal cultivation.