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French Practitioners Clarify Truth of Hong Kong Political Trial to All Segments of Society (Photo)

August 12, 2002 |   By a French Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) The Hong Kong government put 16 Falun Gong practitioners on political trial under pressure from Jiang's regime, thus Hong Kong's democracy and freedom are also under a severe test. In dealing with this matter, French Falun Dafa practitioners widely clarified the truth to all segments of society, government and media, asking people to be aware of and help to end Hong Kong's political trial aimed at innocent people. They also called on the Hong Kong government to be responsible to its people and to history, and to stop this unfair trial immediately.

Four Swiss and twelve HK Falun Gong practitioners were charged in court with "public obstruction" and "attacking Hong Kong police officers" on March 14 in front of the Chinese Liaison Office in Hong Kong, although they were simply holding an appeal in the most peaceful and orderly manner. In the past three years, Jiang's regime has used all kinds of illegal methods to suppress the honest and kind Falun Gong practitioners in China who follow "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." Hundreds of practitioners have died under the brutal torture, and thousands were detained in forced labor camps, prisons and brainwashing classes. The persecution has affected millions of Falun Gong practitioners and their family members. Hong Kong, who has been democratic for many years, ought to know who are the persecutors and who are the victims and ought to let the victims appeal and protest peacefully. But the fact is that the Hong Kong government falsely accused the innocent victims under pressure from a dictatorial power.

French practitioners sent the press releases to hundreds of media to expose the Hong Kong government's behavior. Radio France International broadcasted practitioners' appeal promptly. Radio Free Asia also interviewed the practitioners and reported the truth-clarification activities in other European countries, and the attention they have drawn from the governments of many countries and non-governmental organizations.