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Renowned Iceland Lawyer: "The [Icelandic] Government Violated the Constitutional Law"

August 12, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The Icelandic government violated constitutional law when it gathered personal information about a group of people and gave Flugleidir (IcelandAir) a list of Falun Gong practitioners. This is the opinion of Ragnar Adalsteinsson, Supreme Court lawyer, during an interviewed with an Iceland TV station.

He thinks that the "Information access committee" has reached the same conclusion.

Ragnar Adalsteinsson (the Icelandic number one Human Rights defender and Supreme Court lawyer) said "It seems pretty obvious that this is indeed the opinion of the committee, since these lists were sent to a private company that then distributed those lists all over the world. This is an extremely vicious act, and it is not initiated by the company itself but by the government."

A journalist asked during the interview: "What is your opinion? Do you think that the law of the Constitution were violated in this case?"

"There is no doubt about that in my mind." responded Mr. Ragnar Adalsteinsson.