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Illegal Arrest and Detention of Japan's Yoko Kaneko Prompts Protest Letter to China's Ambassador to Ireland

August 10, 2002 |  

Madame Zhang Xiaojang.

Ambassador of the peoples' Republic of China,

The Chinese Embassy,

40 Ailesbury Road,

Dublin 4.

Your Excellency,


We are appalled and deeply disturbed by the news of the arrest and detention of the above named person, a permanent resident of Japan for, no other reason than simply validating and clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa.

We object in the strongest possible terms against the illegal arrest and the detention and appeal to you to intervene by informing your government of the continual rejection of all our Irish Practitioners of the evil persecution and crack down of Falun Dafa in China.

We will continue our efforts with the utmost vigour until this matter is resolved.

We understand that Yoko Kaneko is being illegally held in a labour camp. We have enclosed documented evidence of what may happen to her while in detention. Yoko Kaneko has done nothing wrong, that she should be given this ill treatment and illegal sentence. We urge you, your Excellency, to convey a message to your central government in the People's Republic of China, to release Yoko Kaneko without delay.

The persecution has been going on for over three years. It's time it finished; it should never have started. Think about those people who might be your daughters raped by prisoners or guards; your children who were murdered by your own authorities; your elderly parents who have been thrown into labour camps where they are subjected to great sufferings; your loved ones who have been force fed brutally even to death; your sisters and brothers who were forced to leave their homes and wander around without any income; your nephews and nieces who lost their parents.... As a mother, daughter, wife, sister, what should you do?

Please think about this with your own conscience and kindness.

I am your Excellency, Yours sincerely,


Leo Harris. (Mr.).

Practitioner of Falun Dafa


Falun Dafa Association Ireland