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Speech by Congressman Christopher Smith of New Jersey at Washington DC July 23 Rally

July 31, 2002 |  

July 23, 2002

Thank you. First of all, thank you very much.

As you know, the United States Congress is firmly behind the cause of the Falun Gong and say to the Chinese dictatorship, "Stop it! And stop it now!" It is unconscionable to me, ladies and gentlemen, at a time when many of our business people and even some members of Congress feel that we need to enhance our trade. But Falun Gong practitioners are being tortured, are being mistreated, sleep-deprived, told that they can't eat, beaten with batons, with electrical prods. At least 438 Falun Gong practitioners (the number is probably much higher) have been tortured by a dictatorship that fears people simply because they want to be peaceful, they want to practice their belief system as they see fit. I want you to know, that the White House, and Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, are in solidarity with each and every one of you. We say to Beijing, if you want be part of the civilized world and join the nations in that world community and be partners with the world, stop repressing, stop torturing, and let the Falun Gong live in peace.

We are with you, we pray for you and with you. God bless you and I wish you well.