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Latest News from China - 06/01/2002

June 07, 2002 |  


  • [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Policemen Abduct Dafa Practitioners
  • [Hulin City, Heilongjiang Province] Police Bureau Instigates Criminals to Torture Dafa Practitioners
  • [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Guards in the Pingantai Labor Camp Continue to Commit Crimes
  • [Suning County, Gansu Province] "610 Office" Abducts Dafa Practitioners
  • [Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Pu Yu Tortured in the Liaoning Provincial Female Prison
  • [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Driven by Monetary Incentive, Police Go Unchecked in Arresting and Sentencing Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Criminal Record of the Chief of the Security Division of the No.5 Institute of Information Industries Ministry

1. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Policemen Abduct Dafa Practitioners

Policeman Duan Zhongshan from Section One of the Changchun Police Bureau recently received retribution. He died in a car accident while trying to abduct Dafa practitioners. Another three policemen were also injured. This infuriated the evil policemen in Section One who abducted more than ten practitioners and tortured them cruelly. They said that they wanted to exterminate Dafa practitioners.

Recently, Changchun has suffered from cases of arson on a daily basis. Since the police couldn't solve the case, they didn't want to report their lack of results to higher authorities. Therefore, they lied and said that Dafa practitioners set the fires. They have been spreading this slanderous nonsense to the local residents.

2. [Hulin City, Heilongjiang Province] Police Bureau Instigates Criminals to Torture Dafa Practitioners

On March 13 of this year a few practitioners went to Xinle Township in Hulin City to distribute Dafa materials, and they were arrested by policemen. The policemen searched the practitioners and stole their money. Later, police sent practitioners to a detention center. The practitioners were detained for fifty-five days. As soon as the practitioners entered the prison, police instigated the criminals to beat them viciously. The police also forbade practitioners from sleeping, drinking, eating, using the bathroom and washing their faces for a period of time. Criminals forced Dafa practitioners to scrub the restroom with their hands and didn't allow them to rinse their hands before eating. Each day criminals pull on the practitioners' hair and physically abuse them. They forced practitioners to sit cross-legged, forbidding them from putting down their legs or moving. If they move, the criminals use iron wires to rip their flesh. At night, practitioners are forced to sleep beside the smelly toilet. They have used a variety of means to torment practitioners.

The Hulin Police Bureau follows Jiang's orders, "If Dafa practitioners do not give up their belief in 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' have the criminals continue to torture them. If practitioners die, call it suicide." We hope that kindhearted people all over the world will help stop the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners.

3. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Guards in the Pingantai Labor Camp Continue to Commit Crimes

Whenever visitor day comes, police force the family members of the practitioners to say bad things about Dafa and Teacher. Otherwise, the police will not let them visit the practitioners. Therefore many practitioners cannot see their families and are unable to get daily necessities.

4. [Suning County, Gansu Province] "610 Office" Abducts Dafa Practitioners

Wei Chaozong and his wife, both practitioners, were taken away by policemen at night for no good reason. Two other practitioners were also abducted. Officials from the Suning "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems) took full advantage of the media to slander Dafa. They also forced the innocent students in primary school and high school to defame Dafa.

5. [Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Pu Yu Tortured in the Liaoning Provincial Female Prison

Female Falun Gong practitioner Pu Yu from Liaoning Province has been illegally sentenced to three years in prison simply for painting a sign stating "Falun Dafa Is Good" and placing it on an overpass. She is currently being held in custody at Shenyang Fragrant Soaps Factory, which cooperates with the prison for slave labor. Besides working for sixteen hours a day like the prisoners who have been convicted on criminal charges, she has been subjected to extra mental and physical torture. Her monthly family visitation rights have been revoked for six months. The prison authorities state that the reason for her persecution was that she didn't give up her belief in "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance."

Pu Yu's situation is serious. We urgently appeal to human rights organizations worldwide and to all those who uphold justice to take note of this serious situation and provide assistance to Pu Yu.

6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Driven by Monetary Incentive, Police Go Unchecked in Arresting and Sentencing Falun Dafa Practitioners

On the evening of May 11, 2002, the entire police force in the Dalian region conducted an extensive search for Falun Dafa practitioners registered by police stations. Police officers in charge of each residential area lead security guards and members of residential committees, in groups of seven to ten people, to search Falun Dafa practitioners' homes. The presence of any Falun Dafa materials would result in the immediate arrest of the practitioner. If no Falun Dafa materials were found, practitioners were asked if they were still practicing Falun Gong. Anyone who answered affirmatively was immediately taken away. A security guard revealed that the number of arrests made directly corresponded to monetary incentives. That is the reason why some people went crazy in rounding up innocent people. If someone could be associated with Falun Dafa at all, they would be arrested. Some people were taken away even though they were in poor health. Quite a few security guards have been pulled from their regular jobs and re-assigned to carrying out this illegal campaign of arrests. Rewards have also been offered for those who inform the authorities on the activities and whereabouts of Falun Dafa practitioners.

In order to fabricate charges against Falun Dafa practitioners, some people planted false evidence. For example, they would shove handwritten notes on which words praising Falun Dafa were written underneath the doors of practitioners' homes. Some practitioners have been detained on allegations of being a "hardcore activist." Some residential police officers have mentioned that from now on, searching a practitioner's home requires no search warrant or legal process and it can be performed at will. Falun Dafa practitioners are living under the constant threat of being harassed and abducted.

To thwart this unreasonable persecution imposed on Falun Dafa practitioners, some practitioners have escaped. More have been forced to stay away from their homes and be separated from family members and cannot report to work for fear of being arrested. Those practitioners abducted have been sent to Yaojiao Detention Center. Later, they will be transferred to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp or sentenced to jail. Some police stations have openly attempted extortion by announcing that practitioners could be set free as long as sufficient fees are paid. Otherwise, the practitioner will be imprisoned. Because these activities are illegal, there is no law governing this type of activity or means of recourse.

We appeal to kindhearted people to take note of the state sponsored terrorism that is taking place in China. We also appeal to human rights organizations in the world to investigate these violations and offer assistance to Falun Dafa practitioners.

7. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Criminal Record of the Chief of the Security Division of the No.5 Institute of Information Industries Ministry

Li Heping, Chief of the Security Division at the No.5 Institute of the Information Industries Ministry, has been closely following Jiang's orders and utilizing all methods to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners since July 20, 1999. Li Heping submitted written reports to the "610 Office" and led others to search the homes of Zhao Guizhen and Zhang Hongzheng. Both Zhao and Zhang were sent to forced labor camps, each serving a one and a half year term. Xu Saiying went to Beijing at the beginning of 2001 to appeal for Falun Gong and was detained by the police for a month. When Xu returned to the institute, Li Heping forcibly sent Xu Saiying to a mental hospital. Xing Pingzhen's home was ransacked simply because she visited the hostel where Xu Saiying was being held. Later, Xing Pingzhen was sentenced to two years of forced labor.

The work unit of Li Heping who persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners:

No.5 Institute of the Information Industries Ministry

No.10 Dongwanzhuang Road

Tianhe, Guangzhou City 510610.

Li Heping's phone numbers: 011-86-20-87237169 (work), 011-86-20-87236609 (home).

May 31, 2002